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Digital Strom bridge for DALI, EnOcean and hue v2 Digital Strom bridge products - P44-DSB-DEH2

P44-DSB-DEH2 extends your Digital Strom system by third-party lights, buttons, sensors and actuators.

Thanks to the integrated matter bridge (currently beta), you can integrate the P44-DSB-DEH2-based lights and other devices into other personal SmartHome environments of your choice in addition to Digital Strom, and operate them via a voice assistant, for example.

P44-DSB-DEH2 uses the Digital Strom virtual device connector technology to seamlessly integrate new devices such that these become as simple to use as regular Digital Strom devices.

A single P44-DSB-DEH2 device connects to up to 64 DALI dimmable lights, many wireless buttons, sensors and actuators and Philips "hue" color LED lights

The P44-DSB-DEH2 is a cost effective way to extend a Digital Strom system for climate control (EnOcean), small office lighting (DALI), modern LED lighting of various kinds (DALI, hue), light switches that can be placed everywhere (EnOcean).
It only requires a single P44-DSB-DEH2 to connect a lot of third party devices that ideally complement Digital Strom components

The P44-DSB-DEH2 firmware can be updated by a simple press of a button to receive support for new devices, new features and general improvements.

The firmware is based on's modular "vdcd" and "p44mbrd" open source projects, which allows for custom modifications and extension to be implemented by upon request as well as by third parties.

DALI - dimmable (color) lights, simple 2-wire bus

DALI is a mature and widely used industry standard (IEC 62386) for lighting devices.

P44-DSB-DEH2 brings the simplicity of Digital Strom's plug and play concept to the growing range of DALI enabled lights - LED power supplies and fluorescent tube ballasts likewise.
Just connect them to the bus and these lamps become part of the Digital Strom system.

Up to 64 DALI slave devices can be connected to a two wire bus. The bus is powered and controlled by the P44-DSB-DEH2, which acts as the DALI master.

Unlike some other DALI master devices, the P44-DSB-DEH2 does not need any manual configuration of DALI devices, but automatically detects all devices connected, and makes them available as Digital Strom compatible lights.

The device works with preconfigured DALI devices (existing short addresses) or new unconfigured devices from factory. Bus address collisions can be resolved via the web interface.

Compatible DALI devices are available from many vendors, including Unidim, Osram, Tridonic, TCI, Meanwell, TCI, Helvar and many more.

DALI control gear (e.g. presence detectors or illumination sensors) is not supported and can interfere with operation of the P44-DSB-DEH2. Please use respective Digital Strom terminal blocks or EnOcean sensors instead.

Currently supported DALI profiles:

DALI multi channel dimmer used for RGB or RGBW lampscolor dimmer

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

RGB or RGBW dimmer groups can be configured as a single full color light and appear as a single device with color controls in the dSS

DALI single channel dimmerdimmer

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Works like yellow dimmer terminal blocks

DALI dimmer groupdimmer group

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Multiple DALI dimmer devices, grouped together on the DALI level to act like a single yellow dimmer terminal block. All dimmers in a group have perfectly synchronized timing.

DALI DT8 (device type 8) tunable white and color lightsDT8

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

DT8 DALI devices can support color and tunable white using only a single DALI address.

DALI dual channel dimmer used for tunable white lampstunable white dimmer

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Two dimmers can be configured as a single light with tunable color temperature

  • full /
    partial Digital Strom dSS level integration
  • full /
    partial integration via task specific dSS apps
  • full /
    partial low level integration, but device features accessible for app development only at this time
  • Supported as beta version
  • Integration planned for a future firmware release

EnOcean - wireless energy harvesting devices

EnOcean is a technology for wireless, usually self powered (energy harvesting) buttons, sensors and actuators.

Adding EnOcean devices is as simple as pressing two buttons - first the learn button of the P44-DSB-DEH2, second the learn button of the EnOcean device.

The P44-DSB-DEH2 has a built-in EnOcean radio module (TCM310) to receive data from EnOcean buttons and sensors and transmit commands to EnOcean actuators like heating valves. The P44-DSB-DEH2 firmware automatically detects the EnOcean device's EEP (enocean equipment profile) to integrate different types of devices into the Digital Strom system. For example, climate related sensors and actuators will appear as blue climate Digital Strom blocks, buttons act as light switches by default but can be used for other functions as well.

Compatible EnOcean devices are available from a wide variety of manufacturers such as Eltako, Thermokon, alphaEOS, Kieback&Peter and many more

Currently supported EnOcean Equipment Profiles (EEP):

Temperature sensors, various rangesA5-02-xx

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

All indoor temperature sensors can be used in the Heating Controller app.

All sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Indoor temperature / humidity sensorsA5-04-01

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Only temperature can be used in heating app.

Humitity sensor value can be processed using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger signals to the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The humidity sensor value is also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Outdoor temperature / humidity sensorsA5-04-02

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Temperature / humidity sensorsA5-04-03

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Illumination sensorsA5-06-01..03

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Illumination sensorsA5-06-04..05

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Occupancy sensorsA5-07-01..02

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Occupancy and illumination sensorA5-07-03

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The illumination value is also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Light / temperature / motion / presence sensorsA5-08-01

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

CO sensor, with optional temperature sensorA5-09-02

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

CO2 sensor, with optional humidity and temperature sensorsA5-09-04

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Various Room control panelsA5-10-01..0D, -10..17, -22, -23

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Temperature sensors can be used by Heating controller app.

Sensor and control dial values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors and control dials are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Energy meterA5-12-01

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

The sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Weather StationA5-13-01/02

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

The DCF 77 clock features of certain weather stations are not supported.

Wind sensorA5-13-07

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Sensor values can be processed via dSS App States (user defined states) or using P44-DSB Evaluator Devices to trigger activities in the dSS when reaching threshold values.

The values from sensors are also accessible via the dSS JSON API.

Multi-function window and door contacts, glas breakage, lock state, supply voltageA5-14-01...0A

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Heating valve actuatorA5-20-01

full integration via task specific dSS apps

Supported by digitalSTROM heating app.

Heating valve actuatorA5-20-04

full integration via task specific dSS apps

Supported by digitalSTROM heating app.

Advanced configuration options in this profile are only partially supported.

Harvesting Heating valve actuatorA5-20-06

full integration via task specific dSS apps

Supported by digitalSTROM heating app.

Advanced configuration options in this profile are only partially supported.

Temperature and water sensorA5-30-03

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Central Control for BlindsA5-38-08

Integration planned for a future firmware release

Blinds control with separate channels for position and angle, working with standard shadow behaviour in DS and the "window covering" profile in matter.

Electronic switches and dimmersD2-01-xx

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Output devices with one or multiple outputs. Each output appears as a separate device and can be used for switching or dimming lights or as a generic relay.

Single button with battery indicatorD2-03-0A

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Blinds Control for Position and AngleD2-05-xx

Integration planned for a future firmware release

Blinds control with separate channels for position and angle, working with standard shadow behaviour in DS and the "window covering" profile in matter.

Multisensor Window HandleD2-06-01

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Note: firmware before only supports clicks for the buttons but no "dimming" (press and hold) because window handles do not report button release fast enough.

From onwards "dimming" works, however with a slightly longer delay than usual (~1 Second).

Electric Window Drive ControllerD2-06-20

Integration planned for a future firmware release

Lock - Bolt and catch stateD2-07-00

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Multichannel Temperature SensorD2-0A-00,01

Integration planned for a future firmware release

Temperature sensor usage is "undefined", which means not directly usable as room or outside temperature sensor. This is because devices using this profile are usually technical temperature sensors in heating/cooling systems and need to be processed by P44 evaluators or script before signalling to DS.

Temperature / humidity sensor + smoke detectorD2-14-30

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Temperature / humidity / illumination sensorD2-14-40

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

1-3 phase AC current clampsD2-32-xx

full low level integration, but device features accessible for app development only at this time

Current values can be used in user defined states dS-app or P44-DSB evaluators

No support yet (2018) in dS for using values for overall consumption measurement in the consumption dS app

Single contactD5-00-01

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

This is a generic contact profile in EnOcean, so it reports 1 for active and 0 for inactive contact.

Please note that this is inverted compared to what digitalSTROM expects for window and door contacts (0 for closed window, 1 for open window). In this case, please use the "inverted" configuration (selectable in the info dialog of the contact in the P44-DSB Web-UI).

Single one-way buttonF6-01-01

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Dual two-way rocker buttonsF6-02-xx

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Quad two-way rocker buttonsF6-03-xx

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Key card switchF6-04-xx

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Usable in event responder

Wind speed threshold detectorF6-05-00

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Liquid Leakage detectorF6-05-01

full integration via task specific dSS apps

Smoke detectors like Eltako FRW or alphaEOS GUARDF6-05-02

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

Only reporting of alarm and low battery supported, but no remote alarm reset or other functions (these are proprietary extensions of some manufacturers not available for generic integration)

Window handlesF6-10-xx

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

  • full /
    partial Digital Strom dSS level integration
  • full /
    partial integration via task specific dSS apps
  • full /
    partial low level integration, but device features accessible for app development only at this time
  • Supported as beta version
  • Integration planned for a future firmware release
  • Please Note: Older documentation may list EnOcean profiles A5-xx-xx as 07-xx-xx, D5-xx-xx as 06-xx-xx and F6-xx-xx as 05-xx-xx.

The P44-DSB-DEH2 firmware will be updated to support new profiles as needed - if a profile you need is not yet supported, please let us know.

hue - colorful LED lights, wirelessly controlled

"hue" lights are colored LED lights from Philips/Signify, which can be wirelessly controlled via smartphone apps and third party software

P44-DSB-DEH2 makes hue lights become part of your Digital Strom light scenes. Create your multi-colored light scenes, then recall them by simply pressing the light switch.

The P44-DSB-DEH2 automatically detects and connects to the "hue" bridge by press of a button. Once connected, all hue lights appear as Digital Strom (yellow) light devices. All normal hue functionality remains unaffected, you can still control the lights via hue mobile app, the hue cloud and third party apps. The monochrome hue "lux" and tunable white "ambient" lights are also supported.

Currently supported hue profiles:

hue tunable white (ambiance) lampambiance

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

hue color lamphue

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

LivingColors mood lightLivingColors

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

hue lux warm white lamplux

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

  • full /
    partial Digital Strom dSS level integration
  • full /
    partial integration via task specific dSS apps
  • full /
    partial low level integration, but device features accessible for app development only at this time
  • Supported as beta version
  • Integration planned for a future firmware release

Other device integrations supported

P44 devices support a lot of other device integrations thanks to the powerful built-in p44script scriping language.

With Scripted devices, integrating third-party SmartHome devices for example via HTTP/REST APIs, modbus, or plain TCP/UDP socket connections can be done with a few lines of p44script. Project-specific versions of the P44-xx devices have additional hardware capabilities, such as SmartLED data outputs, analog/digital I/O, DC motor drivers etc. which can all be leveraged to create fully integrated devices with standard Digital Strom light/color/shade/sensor behaviours as needed.

matter bridging
Full color lights or with color temperature settingcolor control

Supported as beta version

Devices with a 0..100% level, such as dimmable lightslevel control

Supported as beta version

On/off deviceson/off

Supported as beta version


Supported as beta version

Custom devices implemented in p44script on-device
custom devices implemented in p44script via web interfacep44script devices

full Digital Strom dSS level integration

  • full /
    partial Digital Strom dSS level integration
  • full /
    partial integration via task specific dSS apps
  • full /
    partial low level integration, but device features accessible for app development only at this time
  • Available in custom P44-xx device versions (please enquire)
  • Supported as beta version
  • Available in Special/Custom P44-xx device versions (please enquire), as well as in P44-xx-X images (free, DIY)
  • Integration planned for a future firmware release

Open Source - the basis of P44-DSB-DEH2

P44-DSB-DEH2 is based on's "vdcd" virtual device connector daemon and "p44mbrd" plan44 matter bridge daemon open source projects, as well as the OpenWrt embedded Linux platform. Being based on open source, the P44-DSB-DEH2 allows third parties to contribute features and build their own versions for experiments and support of new hardware. "vdcd" and "p44mbrd" are not restricted to run on the P44-DSB-DEH2 but can be used on different platforms.

However, only buying the P44-DSB-DEH2 product from entitles you to get ready-to-use firmware updates from

"Digital Strom" is a registered trademark of Digital Strom AG, Schlieren, Schweiz, see

"DALI" is a registered trademark of the Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V., see

“Hue Personal Wireless Lighting” is a trademark owned by Koninklijke Philips Electronics, N.V., see

“EnOcean” is a registered trademark of EnOcean GmbH, 82041 Oberhaching, Deutschland, see