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Firmware information for P44-DSB-E

Firmware version Release Notes (testing)
released 2024-09-18


Beta Test Version with general improvements.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since

  • matter (beta): the p44bmbrd matter bridge is now based on matter 1.3 (vs 1.2 in previous versions).
  • Web-UI: minor bug fixes.
  • Remote access: fix occasional crash in pagekite that could prevent remote access working, more likely on RPi3,4 than older, slower models.

Changes since

  • p44script: script includes: bugfix - the include files were stored in a way that did not include them in config backups, which of course must be the case.

Changes since

  • matter bridge (beta): when bridging a output device with a default channel with a output value range different from standard 0..100%, the actual range will now be mapped onto the 0..100% range in matter. This makes even non-standard output ranges fully accessible through matter LevelControl and WindowCovering.
  • custom devices outputs: fixed bug that made them have no "scenes" property any more (scene call/save still worked, but detailed scene settings did not)
  • proxy/bridge status: make sure status column in device list is current without the need to open the "Matter bridge (beta...)" dialog first.
  • p44script ide: re-activates debugger (after it may have been paused by the browser due to being in a hidden tab or window) more often, in particular whenever any of the log display buttons is used.
  • p44script ide: fix log output that had unnecessary blank lines occasionally.
  • p44script: script includes now feature complete: supports setting breakpoints in includes, aborts (and optionally re-starts) scripts depending on an include that gets modfied.

Changes since

  • matter bridge (beta): "bridging" devices can now be created with a group/color assigned from start, and can also without immediate activation into matter. Both can help with smarthome systems which are hard to convince that a device can change its functionality (e.g. from a light dimmer to a window covering shadow device).
  • p44script: add sign() function.
  • p44script: bugfix: in if statements, no spaces were allowed between condition expression and the closing bracket, so if(a==b) did work, but if (a==b ) did not.
  • scripted/external devices: can now create output channels with custom min/max/resolution outputs for special custom hardware.
  • output channel progress tracking improved - relevant mainly for matter bridge .
  • p44script: preliminary: initial support for script includes, not yet feature complete (e.g. no breakpoints in includes at this time).

Changes since

New Features

  • matter bridge (beta): New Digital Strom "bridging" devices:
    • scene responder: maps calls to a on and and an off scene to a virtual contact sensor in matter. This allows using matter capable SmartHome systems to respond to DS scenes. For example, a "movie" scene that prepares DS shades and light for movie watching in DS, may now also trigger a automation for starting the media player. The scene responder resets the contact sensor either when detecting another specific scene, any scene, scene undo or automatically after 5 seconds (configurable).
    • scene caller: calls a specific scene in DS when the virtual ON/OFF in matter is set to ON, and optionally, sends another scene, or undoes the previous scene when set to OFF.
  • IDE: can now edit auxiliary files such as user web pages, config files etc (when configured).


  • IDE: log output is now colored and can be dynamically shown shortened/expanded.
  • Lights: now have a adjustable gamma (x-p44-gamma property) which can be used for example to correct DALI drivers with incorrect dimming curve.
  • p44script: add uid (dSUID) and logleveloffset() in device context scripts.
  • improved overall support for IPv6 connections.
  • improved output channel reporting for devices where outputs can be changed externally.


  • matter bridge: fixed pushbuttons, which were not correctly bridged, missing name and other meta data. This made them to be hard to find and operate in UIs, depending on the matter controller.
  • matter bridge: fixed mapping of binary input devices to suitable matter devices. Before, most boolean state devices appeared as occupancy sensors, even if the DS/P44-side had a different type set.
  • p44script: fixed regression with vdcapi() did always raise error when calling a notification. (testing)
released 2024-09-05


Beta Test Version with general improvements.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since

  • p44script: script includes: bugfix - the include files were stored in a way that did not include them in config backups, which of course must be the case.

Changes since

  • matter bridge (beta): when bridging a output device with a default channel with a output value range different from standard 0..100%, the actual range will now be mapped onto the 0..100% range in matter. This makes even non-standard output ranges fully accessible through matter LevelControl and WindowCovering.
  • custom devices outputs: fixed bug that made them have no "scenes" property any more (scene call/save still worked, but detailed scene settings did not)
  • proxy/bridge status: make sure status column in device list is current without the need to open the "Matter bridge (beta...)" dialog first.
  • p44script ide: re-activates debugger (after it may have been paused by the browser due to being in a hidden tab or window) more often, in particular whenever any of the log display buttons is used.
  • p44script ide: fix log output that had unnecessary blank lines occasionally.
  • p44script: script includes now feature complete: supports setting breakpoints in includes, aborts (and optionally re-starts) scripts depending on an include that gets modfied.

Changes since

  • matter bridge (beta): "bridging" devices can now be created with a group/color assigned from start, and can also without immediate activation into matter. Both can help with smarthome systems which are hard to convince that a device can change its functionality (e.g. from a light dimmer to a window covering shadow device).
  • p44script: add sign() function.
  • p44script: bugfix: in if statements, no spaces were allowed between condition expression and the closing bracket, so if(a==b) did work, but if (a==b ) did not.
  • scripted/external devices: can now create output channels with custom min/max/resolution outputs for special custom hardware.
  • output channel progress tracking improved - relevant mainly for matter bridge .
  • p44script: preliminary: initial support for script includes, not yet feature complete (e.g. no breakpoints in includes at this time).

Changes since

New Features

  • matter bridge (beta): New Digital Strom "bridging" devices:
    • scene responder: maps calls to a on and and an off scene to a virtual contact sensor in matter. This allows using matter capable SmartHome systems to respond to DS scenes. For example, a "movie" scene that prepares DS shades and light for movie watching in DS, may now also trigger a automation for starting the media player. The scene responder resets the contact sensor either when detecting another specific scene, any scene, scene undo or automatically after 5 seconds (configurable).
    • scene caller: calls a specific scene in DS when the virtual ON/OFF in matter is set to ON, and optionally, sends another scene, or undoes the previous scene when set to OFF.
  • IDE: can now edit auxiliary files such as user web pages, config files etc (when configured).


  • IDE: log output is now colored and can be dynamically shown shortened/expanded.
  • Lights: now have a adjustable gamma (x-p44-gamma property) which can be used for example to correct DALI drivers with incorrect dimming curve.
  • p44script: add uid (dSUID) and logleveloffset() in device context scripts.
  • improved overall support for IPv6 connections.
  • improved output channel reporting for devices where outputs can be changed externally.


  • matter bridge: fixed pushbuttons, which were not correctly bridged, missing name and other meta data. This made them to be hard to find and operate in UIs, depending on the matter controller.
  • matter bridge: fixed mapping of binary input devices to suitable matter devices. Before, most boolean state devices appeared as occupancy sensors, even if the DS/P44-side had a different type set.
  • p44script: fixed regression with vdcapi() did always raise error when calling a notification. (testing)
released 2024-08-02


Beta Test Version with general improvements.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since

New Features

  • matter bridge (beta): New Digital Strom "bridging" devices:
    • scene responder: maps calls to a on and and an off scene to a virtual contact sensor in matter. This allows using matter capable SmartHome systems to respond to DS scenes. For example, a "movie" scene that prepares DS shades and light for movie watching in DS, may now also trigger a automation for starting the media player. The scene responder resets the contact sensor either when detecting another specific scene, any scene, scene undo or automatically after 5 seconds (configurable).
    • scene caller: calls a specific scene in DS when the virtual ON/OFF in matter is set to on, and optionally, sends another scene, or undoes the previous scene when set to off.
  • IDE: can now edit auxiliary files such as user web pages, config files etc (when configured).


  • IDE: log output is now colored and can be dynamically shortened/expanded
  • Lights: now have a adjustable gamma (x-p44-gamma property) which can be used for example to correct DALI drivers with incorrect dimming curve.
  • p44script: add uid (dSUID) and logleveloffset() in device context scripts
  • improved overall support for IPv6 connections
  • improved output channel reporting for devices where outputs can be changed externally.


  • matter bridge: fixed pushbuttons, which were not correctly bridged, missing name and other meta data. This made them to be hard to find and operate in UIs, depending on the matter controller.
  • matter bridge: fixed mapping of binary input devices to suitable matter devices. Before, most boolean state devices appeared as occupancy sensors, even if the DS/P44-side had a different type set.
  • p44script: fixed regression with vdcapi() did always raise error when calling a notification. (testing)
released 2024-05-06


This Beta "testing" Firmware for P44-DSB devices is the "golden master" for and thus identical to production firmware 2.7.0.

This release contains substantial new features and improvements over the previous 2.6.x firmware releases, while remaining fully compatible with the previous version. It is recommened to upgrade to this version even in case the new features are not needed, as this version also fixes some bugs and is easier to support in case of problems.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since

  • DALI: Added workaround for DALI devices which sometimes loose their short address, to avoid ID changes when this happens.

Changes since

  • Custom/Scripted devices: now can set operational state (opstate)as level (0..100) and as short text to report conditions like "no connection" or "low battery".
  • Evaluators: fixed bug that could cause endless evaluation of the evaluator conditions.
  • p44script: stopping scripts with the stop button in the IDE now also stops all non-global handlers.
  • p44script: fix bug/crash in global handlers
  • IDE/LED-Sim: improved console/status clear (Cmd-K): current line is kept below new prompt, only second clear will delete it, too.

Changes since

  • p44script: bugfixes in for (did not tolerate whitespace in every place) and default for global variables.
  • IDE: added log line shortening option - useful when mainly looking at script log() output.
  • IDE: improved color contrast for error and current execution position highlights

Changes since production version 2.6.9 and Beta-Version, resp.

matter support (beta)

matter is a new SmartHome standard that allows interoperability between different Smarthome ecosystems. A matter enabled device, like your P44-DSB can be commissioned at the same time for example into Apple Home, SmartThings and Home Assistant, using each system's best features, such as voice assistants, to interact with the P44-DSB devices.

Starting with, the matter 1.2 (beta) functionality can be enabled as an option in your P44-DSB device. To get more information about P44 devices and matter, please visit

matter is a milestone for the smarthome, especially for the electrical installation industry - because matter is to the smarthome what the power socket was to electrification 100 years ago - a standard that allows the building-side infrastructure to be easily connected to (and disconnected from) the user-side devices.

plan44 is working to reach certification for the matter bridge component in the P44-DSB and P44-LC devices as soon as possible - until then the matter functionality remains a beta feature.

Although Digital Strom is not yet embracing matter, your P44-DSB can provide special virtual "bridging" devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices). Here you can find information on how to use matter beta on your P44-DSB.

p44script IDE: integrated development environment

For quite some time, P44-DSB devices allow extensive custom functionality through the p44script language, be it triggering actions in response to evaluator results, or integrating hardware via "scripted devices" or even running a custom "mainscript".

Now with firmware 2.7, working with scripts gets much simpler thanks to the fully integrated IDE, which allows comfortable script editing and interactive script debugging:

  • easily browse and edit all scripts in the system with a modern source editor with tabs, syntax coloring and autocomplete.
  • debug with breakpoints and single stepping.
  • inspect variables of any script or test statements using the integrated debug console.
  • playground for testing more complex script snippets
  • the integrated live log view shows the activity of your P44.

See p44script IDE documentation for more information.

Other new features

  • You can now disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device using the new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version...".
  • Enocean: Support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-40 Temperature/Humidity/Illumination Sensor.
  • hue: Workaround for non-hue-certified, but widely deployed TS0505B light controller which does only understand CIExy color settings, not hue/saturation.
  • custom devices: Allow URN-formatted uniqueid specification in init message for devices which have a native and globally unique hardware ID of some kind, so this information can be shown in the device list and propagated to Digital Strom.
  • MIDI support: p44script now can send and receive MIDI messages (e.g. MIDI keyboard/controller connected via USB) to make use of affordable input devices in automation projects, or coordinate lighting with multimedia shows.

General Improvements

  • platform: P44-DSB is now based on OpenWrt 22.03
  • logging: Now uses colored symbol markers for loglevel differentiation

p44script engine improvements

  • Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.
  • array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part.
  • added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc) and increment and decrement postfix operators (++ and --).
  • added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • webrequest(endpoint) now allows creating multiple, independent script API endpoints - this eliminates the need for a common webrequest handler in mainscript for scripted devices which need to expose a per-device API.
  • concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.
  • p44script functions for accessing serial ports.
  • on (eventsource()) stable n { … } can now limit the event rate from eventsource to a minimal interval as specified by n.

See p44script short reference and p44script overview for more information.

SmartLEDs (WS28xx, "Neopixels")

When working with SmartLEDs - individually addressable RGB(W) leds - on the P44-DSB/LC-TORCH, P44-LC-X, P44-DSB-X or one of the automation controllers for special applications P44-AC,LC,MC, the integrated LED simulator is a very useful new tool to

  • see what is happening on the LED output
  • inspect all views in the view hierachy
  • examine all view properties
  • allow changing view configuration / set properties live

See LEDsim documentation for more information.

New features in the p44script SmartLED Graphics Subsystem

  • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision.
  • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object.
  • textview now has support for different fonts from ultratiny 3x3 to larger 6x11 - with new bolden and stretch style variants.
  • When creating new SmartLED based lights, these can be set to automatic sizing instead of specifying the area in pixels. The actual size will then be adjusted to the size of the rootview (usually the entire area covered by LEDs). Also, the "unqiue ID" field can be left empty to have a unique ID generated automatically.


  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).
  • p44features: fixed bug in resource access path handling that prevented e.g. indicators to load view configs stored in the default indicator resources dir.
  • animators: fixed "easeout" function, which was not at ease at all but did a sudden full range transition.
  • p44script: Fix bug that caused every() trigger fire not as precise (up to 1 sec late) as it could be. (testing)
released 2024-04-15


This Beta "testing" Firmware for P44-DSB devices is a release candidate for the upcoming production firmware 2.7.0. In case no problems are reported with this version, it will soon be released as 2.7.0

This release contains substantial new features and improvements over the previous 2.6.x firmware releases, while remaining fully compatible with the previous version. It is recommened to upgrade to this version even in case the new features are not needed, as this version also fixes some bugs and is easier to support in case of problems.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since

  • Custom/Scripted devices: now can set operational state (opstate)as level (0..100) and as short text to report conditions like "no connection" or "low battery".
  • Evaluators: fixed bug that could cause endless evaluation of the evaluator conditions.
  • p44script: stopping scripts with the stop button in the IDE now also stops all non-global handlers.
  • p44script: fix bug/crash in global handlers
  • IDE/LED-Sim: improved console/status clear (Cmd-K): current line is kept below new prompt, only second clear will delete it, too.

Changes since

  • p44script: bugfixes in for (did not tolerate whitespace in every place) and default for global variables.
  • IDE: added log line shortening option - useful when mainly looking at script log() output.
  • IDE: improved color contrast for error and current execution position highlights

Changes since production version 2.6.9 and Beta-Version, resp.

matter support (beta)

matter is a new SmartHome standard that allows interoperability between different Smarthome ecosystems. A matter enabled device, like your P44-DSB can be commissioned at the same time for example into Apple Home, SmartThings and Home Assistant, using each system's best features, such as voice assistants, to interact with the P44-DSB devices.

Starting with, the matter 1.2 (beta) functionality can be enabled as an option in your P44-DSB device. To get more information about P44 devices and matter, please visit

matter is a milestone for the smarthome, especially for the electrical installation industry - because matter is to the smarthome what the power socket was to electrification 100 years ago - a standard that allows the building-side infrastructure to be easily connected to (and disconnected from) the user-side devices.

plan44 is working to reach certification for the matter bridge component in the P44-DSB and P44-LC devices as soon as possible - until then the matter functionality remains a beta feature.

Although Digital Strom is not yet embracing matter, your P44-DSB can provide special virtual "bridging" devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices). Here you can find information on how to use matter beta on your P44-DSB.

p44script IDE: integrated development environment

For quite some time, P44-DSB devices allow extensive custom functionality through the p44script language, be it triggering actions in response to evaluator results, or integrating hardware via "scripted devices" or even running a custom "mainscript".

Now with firmware 2.7, working with scripts gets much simpler thanks to the fully integrated IDE, which allows comfortable script editing and interactive script debugging:

  • easily browse and edit all scripts in the system with a modern source editor with tabs, syntax coloring and autocomplete.
  • debug with breakpoints and single stepping.
  • inspect variables of any script or test statements using the integrated debug console.
  • playground for testing more complex script snippets
  • the integrated live log view shows the activity of your P44.

See p44script IDE documentation for more information.

Other new features

  • You can now disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device using the new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version...".
  • Enocean: Support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-40 Temperature/Humidity/Illumination Sensor.
  • hue: Workaround for non-hue-certified, but widely deployed TS0505B light controller which does only understand CIExy color settings, not hue/saturation.
  • custom devices: Allow URN-formatted uniqueid specification in init message for devices which have a native and globally unique hardware ID of some kind, so this information can be shown in the device list and propagated to Digital Strom.
  • MIDI support: p44script now can send and receive MIDI messages (e.g. MIDI keyboard/controller connected via USB) to make use of affordable input devices in automation projects, or coordinate lighting with multimedia shows.

General Improvements

  • platform: P44-DSB is now based on OpenWrt 22.03
  • logging: Now uses colored symbol markers for loglevel differentiation

p44script engine improvements

  • Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.
  • array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part.
  • added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc) and inrement and decrement postfix operators (++ and --).
  • added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • webrequest(endpoint) now allows creating multiple, independent script API endpoints - this eliminates the need for a common webrequest handler in mainscript for scripted devices which need to expose a per-device API.
  • concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.
  • p44script functions for accessing serial ports.
  • on (eventsource()) stable n { … } can now limit the event rate from eventsource to a minimal interval as specified by n.

See p44script short reference and p44script overview for more information.

SmartLEDs (WS28xx, "Neopixels")

When working with SmartLEDs - individually addressable RGB(W) leds - on the P44-DSB/LC-TORCH, P44-LC-X, P44-DSB-X or one of the automation controllers for special applications P44-AC,LC,MC, the integrated LED simulator is a very useful new tool to

  • see what is happening on the LED output
  • inspect all views in the view hierachy
  • examine all view properties
  • allow changing view configuration / set properties live

See LEDsim documentation for more information.

New features in the p44script SmartLED Graphics Subsystem

  • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision.
  • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object.
  • textview now has support for different fonts from ultratiny 3x3 to larger 6x11 - with new bolden and stretch style variants.
  • When creating new SmartLED based lights, these can be set to automatic sizing instead of specifying the area in pixels. The actual size will then be adjusted to the size of the rootview (usually the entire area covered by LEDs). Also, the "unqiue ID" field can be left empty to have a unique ID generated automatically.


  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).
  • p44features: fixed bug in resource access path handling that prevented e.g. indicators to load view configs stored in the default indicator resources dir.
  • animators: fixed "easeout" function, which was not at ease at all but did a sudden full range transition.
  • p44script: Fix bug that caused every() trigger fire not as precise (up to 1 sec late) as it could be. (testing)
released 2024-03-26


This Beta "testing" Firmware for P44-DSB devices is a release candidate for the upcoming production firmware 2.7.0. In case no problems are reported with this version, it will soon be released as 2.7.0

This release contains substantial new features and improvements over the previous 2.6.x firmware releases, while remaining fully compatible with the previous version. It is recommened to upgrade to this version even in case the new features are not needed, as this version also fixes some bugs and is easier to support in case of problems.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since production version 2.6.9 and Beta-Version, resp.

matter support (beta)

matter is a new SmartHome standard that allows interoperability between different Smarthome ecosystems. A matter enabled device, like your P44-DSB can be commissioned at the same time for example into Apple Home, SmartThings and Home Assistant, using each system's best features, such as voice assistants, to interact with the P44-DSB devices.

Starting with, the matter 1.2 (beta) functionality can be enabled as an option in your P44-DSB device. To get more information about P44 devices and matter, please visit

matter is a milestone for the smarthome, especially for the electrical installation industry - because matter is to the smarthome what the power socket was to electrification 100 years ago - a standard that allows the building-side infrastructure to be easily connected to (and disconnected from) the user-side devices.

plan44 is working to reach certification for the matter bridge component in the P44-DSB and P44-LC devices as soon as possible - until then the matter functionality remains a beta feature.

Although Digital Strom is not yet embracing matter, your P44-DSB can provide special virtual "bridging" devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices). Here you can find information on how to use matter beta on your P44-DSB.

p44script IDE: integrated development environment

For quite some time, P44-DSB devices allow extensive custom functionality through the p44script language, be it triggering actions in response to evaluator results, or integrating hardware via "scripted devices" or even running a custom "mainscript".

Now with firmware 2.7, working with scripts gets much simpler thanks to the fully integrated IDE, which allows comfortable script editing interactive script debugging:

  • easily browse and edit all scripts in the system with a modern source editor with tabs, syntax coloring and autocomplete.
  • debug with breakpoints and single stepping.
  • inspect variables of any script or test statements using the integrated debug console.
  • playground for testing more complex script snippets
  • the integrated live log view shows the activity of your P44.

See p44script IDE documentation for more information.

Other new features

  • You can now disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device using the new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version...".
  • Enocean: Support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-40 Temperature/Humidity/Illumination Sensor.
  • hue: Workaround for non-hue-certified, but widely deployed TS0505B light controller which does only understand CIExy color settings, not hue/saturation.
  • custom devices: Allow URN-formatted uniqueid specification in init message for devices which have a native and globally unique hardware ID of some kind, so this information can be shown in the device list and propagated to Digital Strom.
  • MIDI support: p44script now can send and receive MIDI messages (e.g. MIDI keyboard/controller connected via USB) to make use of affordable input devices in automation projects, or coordinate lighting with multimedia shows.

General Improvements

  • platform: P44-DSB is now based on OpenWrt 22.03
  • logging: Now uses colored symbol markers for loglevel differentiation

p44script engine improvements

  • Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.
  • array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part.
  • added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc) and inrement and decrement postfix operators (++ and --).
  • added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • webrequest(endpoint) now allows creating multiple, independent script API endpoints - this eliminates the need for a common webrequest handler in mainscript for scripted devices which need to expose a per-device API.
  • concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.
  • p44script functions for accessing serial ports.
  • on (eventsource()) stable n { … } can now limit the event rate from eventsource to a minimal interval as specified by n.

See p44script short reference and p44script overview for more information.

SmartLEDs (WS28xx, "Neopixels")

When working with SmartLEDs - individually addressable RGB(W) leds - on the P44-DSB/LC-TORCH, P44-LC-X, P44-DSB-X or one of the automation controllers for special applications P44-AC,LC,MC, the integrated LED simulator is a very useful new tool to

  • see what is happening on the LED output
  • inspect all views in the view hierachy
  • examine all view properties
  • allow changing view configuration / set properties live

See LEDsim documentation for more information.

New features in the p44script SmartLED Graphics Subsystem

  • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision.
  • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object.
  • textview now has support for different fonts from ultratiny 3x3 to larger 6x11 - with new bolden and stretch style variants.
  • When creating new SmartLED based lights, these can be set to automatic sizing instead of specifying the area in pixels. The actual size will then be adjusted to the size of the rootview (usually the entire area covered by LEDs). Also, the "unqiue ID" field can be left empty to have a unique ID generated automatically.


  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).
  • p44features: fixed bug in resource access path handling that prevented e.g. indicators to load view configs stored in the default indicator resources dir.
  • animators: fixed "easeout" function, which was not at ease at all but did a sudden full range transition.
  • p44script: Fix bug that caused every() trigger fire not as precise (up to 1 sec late) as it could be. (testing)
released 2024-02-12

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should NOT be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • SmartLED devices: When creating new lights, these can be set to automatic sizing instead of specifying the area in pixels. The actual size will then be adjusted to the size of the rootview (usually the entire area covered by LEDs). Also, the "unqiue ID" field can be left empty to have a unique ID generated automatically.
  • p44script: improved thread and result handling, make abort() work for concurrent code used in functions.
  • p44lrgraphics: buxfix: re-added missing "torch" parameters. Canvas now supports line drawing with color gradient and copying pixels within canvas or from other views. Added blocks view based on canvas.

Changes since

  • matter: now based on matter SDK release
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfixes and small improvements for details that became obvious only when documenting p44lrgraphics in full.
  • p44script: webrequest(endpoint) now allows creating multiple, independent script API endpoints - this eliminates the need for a common webrequest handler in mainscript for scripted devices which need to expose a per-device API.
  • MIDI support: p44script now can send and receive MIDI messages (e.g. MIDI keyboard/controller connected via USB) to make use of these affordable input devices in automation projects, and coordinate with sound devices.
  • serial port support: p44script can now access serial ports.
  • p44script: define a default value for global variables (only applied when variable does not yet exist) using default keyword.
  • p44script: on (eventsource()) stable n { … } can now limit the event rate from eventsource to minimal interval as specified by n.
  • p44script playground (in IDE): bugfix: running in playground must not clear the context variables!
  • p44script debugging functions: improve existing introspection functions (e.g. contexthandlers()) and add new threads() and builtins().

Changes since

  • ledchain "lightspot" (p44lrgraphics): coloring improved, better size and gradient control.
  • animators: fixed "easeout" function, which was not at ease at all but did a sudden full range transition.
  • p44lrgraphics: add vcr_osd_mono font as used at 37c3 :-)

Main additions since

  • There is a new feature allowing you to freely disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device. Right now you are already running a beta version, but you can now opt-out from betas (and opt-in again later, of course) via the web interface. There is a new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version..." to open a dialog for enabling or disabling receiving betas.

  • p44script IDE: built-in integrated development environment (IDE). The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.
  • SmartLED Simulator/Debugger: Another very important tool for quick development of advanced SmartLED (WS281x) setups like tickers, animations etc.

    • see on-screen what is happening on the LED output (works via remote access, too)
    • inspect any view in the view hierachy
    • examine selected view's properties
    • configure views live by changing properties and immediately see the effects
  • SmartLED graphics system: major overhaul

    • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision. This allows creating smooth looking movements and crazy things like diagonal tickers.
    • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object. So you can now modify by writing lrg.findview('TEXT').x = 42 - in scripts or for live testing in the IDE. configure remains available for quickly creating views and entire view hierarchies in one step, also from json files.

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add more fonts. The font field of a text view now understands: 5x5, 5x7, 5x8, m3x6, m5x7, m6x11, bios and sixtyfour. Happy ticker hacking ;-)
  • p44script: removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part
  • p44script: new compound operators (+=, -=, *=, etc), increment and decrement operators (++ and --)
  • p44script: added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • p44script: concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2024-02-02

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should NOT be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • matter: now based on matter SDK release
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfixes and small improvements for details that became obvious only when documenting p44lrgraphics in full.
  • p44script: webrequest(endpoint) now allows creating multiple, independent script API endpoints - this eliminates the need for a common webrequest handler in mainscript for scripted devices which need to expose a per-device API.
  • MIDI support: p44script now can send and receive MIDI messages (e.g. MIDI keyboard/controller connected via USB) to make use of these affordable input devices in automation projects, and coordinate with sound devices.
  • serial port support: p44script can now access serial ports.
  • p44script: define a default value for global variables (only applied when variable does not yet exist) using default keyword.
  • p44script: on (eventsource()) stable n { … } can now limit the event rate from eventsource to minimal interval as specified by n.
  • p44script playground (in IDE): bugfix: running in playground must not clear the context variables!
  • p44script debugging functions: improve existing introspection functions (e.g. contexthandlers()) and add new threads() and builtins().

Changes since

  • ledchain "lightspot" (p44lrgraphics): coloring improved, better size and gradient control.
  • animators: fixed "easeout" function, which was not at ease at all but did a sudden full range transition.
  • p44lrgraphics: add vcr_osd_mono font as used at 37c3 :-)

Main additions since

  • There is a new feature allowing you to freely disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device. Right now you are already running a beta version, but you can now opt-out from betas (and opt-in again later, of course) via the web interface. There is a new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version..." to open a dialog for enabling or disabling receiving betas.

  • p44script IDE: built-in integrated development environment (IDE). The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.
  • SmartLED Simulator/Debugger: Another very important tool for quick development of advanced SmartLED (WS281x) setups like tickers, animations etc.

    • see on-screen what is happening on the LED output (works via remote access, too)
    • inspect any view in the view hierachy
    • examine selected view's properties
    • configure views live by changing properties and immediately see the effects
  • SmartLED graphics system: major overhaul

    • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision. This allows creating smooth looking movements and crazy things like diagonal tickers.
    • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object. So you can now modify by writing lrg.findview('TEXT').x = 42 - in scripts or for live testing in the IDE. configure remains available for quickly creating views and entire view hierarchies in one step, also from json files.

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add more fonts. The font field of a text view now understands: 5x5, 5x7, 5x8, m3x6, m5x7, m6x11, bios and sixtyfour. Happy ticker hacking ;-)
  • p44script: removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part
  • p44script: new compound operators (+=, -=, *=, etc), increment and decrement operators (++ and --)
  • p44script: added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • p44script: concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2024-01-11

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should NOT be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • ledchain "lightspot" (p44lrgraphics): coloring improved, better size and gradient control.
  • animators: fixed "easeout" function, which was not at ease at all but did a sudden full range transition.
  • p44lrgraphics: add vcr_osd_mono font as used at 37c3 :-)

Changes since

  • p44script: up-to-date script reference
  • p44script: made hsv() and rgb() color conversion functions generally available (before, these were only available on devices with SmartLED/ledchain support enabled)
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfix: automatic view scroller was broken since, so for example text tickers did not scroll correcly any more.
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfix: new startscroll() function introduced in could cause a crash.
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfix: some zoom_x/y factors could cause a crash.
  • p44lrgraphics: add more fonts. The font field of a text view now understands: 5x5, 5x7, 5x8, m3x6, m5x7, m6x11, bios and sixtyfour. Happy ticker hacking ;-)

Changes since

The only change in is as follows:

  • There is a new feature allowing you to freely disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device. Right now you are already running a beta version, but you can now opt-out from betas (and opt-in again later, of course) via the web interface. There is a new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version..." to open a dialog for enabling or disabling receiving betas.

Changes since

  • SmartLED graphics system: major overhaul

    • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision. This allows creating smooth looking movements and crazy things like diagonal tickers.
    • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object. So you can now modify by writing lrg.findview('TEXT').x = 42 - in scripts or for live testing in the IDE. configure remains available for quickly creating views and entire view hierarchies in one step, also from json files.
  • p44script: removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part

  • p44script: added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc)
  • p44script: added inrement and decrement operators (++ and --)
  • p44script: added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • p44script: concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: many detail improvements, much better REPL/inspector (full-featured editor)
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: integrated development environment is now mostly complete. The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.

    All controls have tooltips to explain the function.

  • open the IDE directly using the new buttons on the System tab, or via the links in the right corner of every script editing field. Note: only one browser/tab should have the IDE open at the same time.

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-12-21

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should NOT be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • p44script: up-to-date script reference
  • p44script: made hsv() and rgb() color conversion functions generally available (before, these were only available on devices with SmartLED/ledchain support enabled)
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfix: automatic view scroller was broken since, so for example text tickers did not scroll correcly any more.
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfix: new startscroll() function introduced in could cause a crash.
  • p44lrgraphics: bugfix: some zoom_x/y factors could cause a crash.
  • p44lrgraphics: add more fonts. The font field of a text view now understands: 5x5, 5x7, 5x8, m3x6, m5x7, m6x11, bios and sixtyfour. Happy ticker hacking ;-)

Changes since

The only change in is as follows:

  • There is a new feature allowing you to freely disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device. Right now you are already running a beta version, but you can now opt-out from betas (and opt-in again later, of course) via the web interface. There is a new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version..." to open a dialog for enabling or disabling receiving betas.

Changes since

  • SmartLED graphics system: major overhaul

    • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision. This allows creating smooth looking movements and crazy things like diagonal tickers.
    • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object. So you can now modify by writing lrg.findview('TEXT').x = 42 - in scripts or for live testing in the IDE. configure remains available for quickly creating views and entire view hierarchies in one step, also from json files.
  • p44script: removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part

  • p44script: added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc)
  • p44script: added inrement and decrement operators (++ and --)
  • p44script: added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • p44script: concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: many detail improvements, much better REPL/inspector (full-featured editor)
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: integrated development environment is now mostly complete. The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.

    All controls have tooltips to explain the function.

  • open the IDE directly using the new buttons on the System tab, or via the links in the right corner of every script editing field. Note: only one browser/tab should have the IDE open at the same time.

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-12-15

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should NOT be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

The only change in is as follows:

  • There is a new feature allowing you to freely disable or enable receiving public beta firmware for your P44-DSB device. Right now you are already running a beta version, but you can now opt-out from betas (and opt-in again later, of course) via the web interface. There is a new button labelled "Beta..." besides the "Check for new firmware version..." to open a dialog for enabling or disabling receiving betas.

Changes since

  • SmartLED graphics system: major overhaul

    • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision. This allows creating smooth looking movements and crazy things like diagonal tickers.
    • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object. So you can now modify by writing lrg.findview('TEXT').x = 42 - in scripts or for live testing in the IDE. configure remains available for quickly creating views and entire view hierarchies in one step, also from json files.
  • p44script: removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part

  • p44script: added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc)
  • p44script: added inrement and decrement operators (++ and --)
  • p44script: added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • p44script: concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: many detail improvements, much better REPL/inspector (full-featured editor)
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: integrated development environment is now mostly complete. The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.

    All controls have tooltips to explain the function.

  • open the IDE directly using the new buttons on the System tab, or via the links in the right corner of every script editing field. Note: only one browser/tab should have the IDE open at the same time.

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-12-06

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should NOT be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • SmartLED graphics system: major overhaul

    • all views now can scroll (pan), zoom and rotate with antialiasing and sub-pixel precision. This allows creating smooth looking movements and crazy things like diagonal tickers.
    • all view properties are now directly accessible as fields on the view object. So you can now modify by writing lrg.findview('TEXT').x = 42 - in scripts or for live testing in the IDE. configure remains available for quickly creating views and entire view hierarchies in one step, also from json files.
  • p44script: removed confusing separation between "declaration" and "script" part

  • p44script: added compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, etc)
  • p44script: added inrement and decrement operators (++ and --)
  • p44script: added for (init; condition; next) { ... } loop construct
  • p44script: concurrent now has a passing option to pass values safely (glitch-free) into thread variables of the concurrently running code.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: many detail improvements, much better REPL/inspector (full-featured editor)
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: integrated development environment is now mostly complete. The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.

    All controls have tooltips to explain the function.

  • open the IDE directly using the new buttons on the System tab, or via the links in the right corner of every script editing field. Note: only one browser/tab should have the IDE open at the same time.

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-11-23

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with Beta matter bridge and p44script IDE, SmartLED debugger on OpenWrt 22.03

Important: While the matter bridge has matured quite a bit over the past few months and is known working fine with different big name SmartHome systems, it is still a beta version and as such should not be considered production ready. In particular, please do not expect these beta setups to migrate seamlessly into a future certified release - most likely the commissioning will need to be reset and recreated at that time.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: many detail improvements, much better REPL/inspector (full-featured editor)
  • p44script: Now supports JS-style object and array construction - field names do not need to be quoted strings (but still may), values can be any p44script expressions.

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: integrated development environment is now mostly complete. The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.

    All controls have tooltips to explain the function.

  • open the IDE directly using the new buttons on the System tab, or via the links in the right corner of every script editing field. Note: only one browser/tab should have the IDE open at the same time.

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-11-11

Firmware - Matter bridge und p44Script IDE beta testing

Test Version with p44script IDE and p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • p44script IDE: integrated development environment is now mostly complete. The new IDE allows comfortable editing and now conveniently debugging scripts interactively:

    • breakpoints: just click a line number in the left margin to set or clear them. Breakpoints remain set until the device is restarted, but they are active only when a browser has the IDE page open.
    • single stepping through scripts (step over F6, step into F7/step out F8 of functions)
    • inspection: at every pause (breakpoint or single step), the console area (lower left panel) allows typing variable names to see their values, but also execute any other statement in the context of the running script.
    • playground: for testing more complex script snippets, just choose "p44script playground" from the top left Open... menu. Use the =? evaluation button F9 to run the contents of the playground window and see the final result.
    • live log view: shows the activity of your P44. Use the buttons in the bottom right to clear the log view (not the log itself!), pause the log output and change the log detail level.

    All controls have tooltips to explain the function.

  • open the IDE directly using the new buttons on the System tab, or via the links in the right corner of every script editing field. Note: only one browser/tab should have the IDE open at the same time.

    Note that the IDE is a beta version, there are certainly some rough edges.

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-10-28

Firmware - Matter bridge beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • matter beta: When the matter bridge is active, a new column "M" appears in the device list showing green dots for those devices that are bridged to matter.
  • matter beta: on-off digitalSTROM-Bridge now also supports scenes at appartment level, such as present/absent, alarm, panic etc.
  • Preview of big new feature: p44script IDE (integrated development environment): The new IDE has multiple editing tabs, access to all scripts via popup, and will (in upcoming versions) support debugging with breakpoints, single stepping and script context inspection. In this preview, open the IDE by clicking the "Edit script in p44script IDE" link below the plaintext script editing boxes, or navigate to ide.html.
    • the p44script IDE is fully embedded on your P44-xx device - no external dependencies, no cloud, everything on device. This means you can always fully access and maintain your installations with just a web browser.
    • Until now, script sources were stored as strings along with other settings in sqlite databases. To improve flexibility in maintaining and versioning, scripts are now stored in simple text files (with .p44s suffix) in /flash/scripts/vdcd on the device and in backups.
    • Debugging features will be added to the IDE in upcoming firmware versions soon.

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also mad lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-10-06

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • matter beta: support for push buttons. But current Apple/Google/Smartthings matter controllers seemingly do not yet support buttons at this time, so these are largely untested. If you have a matter controller which supports button, please let me know ;-)
  • matter beta: internal: using new build system configuration. Should not make any difference for using matter.
  • matter logging: separate settings for p44mbrd app and matter log levels.
  • p44script: fix bug in httprequest() when using JSON request definition with user and password field for http auth (did not work, but using server@user:password URL syntax always did).

Other important Changes since

  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)
  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.
  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.
  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also mad lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-08-11

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • matter beta: Bridge now has a single experimental test "action". The matter standard provides actions as a means to access things like scenes from an existing smarthome system (like dS). However, it seems like neither Apple nor Google Home are actually exposing actions in their GUIs so far.
  • matter beta: Internal p44mbrd improvements in preparation toward certification, see current plan44 news.

Changes since

  • matter beta: Support for bridging roller blinds and jalousies, including live feedback when blinds are in movement.
  • matter beta: Display of bridge status (commissionable or not) should be more reliable, added buttons to enter/leave commissioning mode.
  • logging: Now uses symbol markers for loglevel differentiation (and can also produce ANSI-colored logs)

Changes since

  • mater beta: is mainly a testing release for the refactored matter bridge daemon, which is an important step in a cooperative effort towards matter certification of the plan44 products.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.

Changes since

  • is only a build system testing/verification release - this is the first 100% Intel free build ;-) Underlying OpenWrt and all plan44 software (vdcd, p44mbrd etc.) were built on arm64 (M2). There are no functional changes compared to

Changes since

  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.

Changes since

  • matter beta: important stability fixes. In particular, this should make Apple Home integration more responsive especially when using the "new Home Architecture" as re-introduced with iOS/tvOS 16.4.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.5

Other important Changes since

  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also mad lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-07-19

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • mater beta: is mainly a testing release for the refactored matter bridge daemon, which is an important step in a cooperative effort towards matter certification of the plan44 products.
  • p44script: array elements can now be appended using the arr[] = newElem construct.

Changes since

  • is only a build system testing/verification release - this is the first 100% Intel free build ;-) Underlying OpenWrt and all plan44 software (vdcd, p44mbrd etc.) were built on arm64 (M2). There are no functional changes compared to

Changes since

  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.

Changes since

  • matter beta: important stability fixes. In particular, this should make Apple Home integration more responsive especially when using the "new Home Architecture" as re-introduced with iOS/tvOS 16.4.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.5

Other important Changes since

  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also mad lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-06-21

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • is only a build system testing/verification release - this is the first 100% Intel free build ;-) Underlying OpenWrt and all plan44 software (vdcd, p44mbrd etc.) were built on arm64 (M2). There are no functional changes compared to

Changes since

  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.

Changes since

  • matter beta: important stability fixes. In particular, this should make Apple Home integration more responsive especially when using the "new Home Architecture" as re-introduced with iOS/tvOS 16.4.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.5

Other important Changes since

  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also mad lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2023-06-02

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • matter beta: update to matter
  • web-UI: fixed the channel settings dialog, where value sliders sometimes were "jumpy" (since and changed color settings when they should not.

Changes since

  • matter beta: important stability fixes. In particular, this should make Apple Home integration more responsive especially when using the "new Home Architecture" as re-introduced with iOS/tvOS 16.4.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.5

Other important Changes since

  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also mad lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Matter bridge: Also show manual paring code along with QR code.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.
  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices) (testing)
released 2022-12-30

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to output a digital value
  • "features": fixed bugs in "rfids" and "indicators" features.

Changes since

  • Matter bridge: fixed bugs in color control that could cause "accessory not responding" errors.
  • Matter bridge: fixed bug that could cause device endpoints IDs to get messed up after deleting and adding devices for matter bridging, possibly leading to messed up representation in matter controller UIs.
  • Matter bridge: fixed bug in illumination sensor mapping, was mapped to matter as humidity.
  • Matter bridge: fixed detail behaviour of dimming lights according to matter specs.
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • p44script: all time getter functions such as hour(), month(), sunrise() etc. now accept a epoch timestamp argument. Also epochtime() function allows constructing epoch timestamps from date components.

Changes since

  • LED chains: more led layout (R,G,B,W ordering) options
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.

Changes since

  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • p44script: better handling of fatal errors in general and in scripted device implementations in particular (no more attempts to re-run implementations scripts with fatal errors).

Changes since

  • Web-UI: when creating multiple bridge devices, name in creation dialog is now empty again (bridge type remains set). Same for other device types where dialog fields were carrying over values from previous use when they should be empty.
  • bugfix: color mode attribute in matter color lights should work ok now

Changes since

  • compatibility: commissioning now works with iOS 16.2 beta
  • transition time: now works for fractions seconds (was truncated to integer seconds before)
  • identify: now works correctly (more than once per device)
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..

Changes since

  • sensors: temperature, humidity, illumination sensors now supported
  • composed devices: devices containing outputs and sensors will now be modelled as "composed device". Matter controller apps might not recognize composed devices yet and still show them like separate devices (as in iOS 16.1
  • non-light outputs: these are now bridged as "plug-in unit" into matter
  • identify: support for identifying lights during commissioning (however iOS 16.1's "Identify" button does not work with bridged devices yet)
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.2

Changes since

  • bridge devices: do not monitor other scenes than on/off for areas and on/off bridges.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2022-12-20

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • Matter bridge: fixed bugs in color control that could cause "accessory not responding" errors.
  • Matter bridge: fixed bug that could cause device endpoints IDs to get messed up after deleting and adding devices for matter bridging, possibly leading to messed up representation in matter controller UIs.
  • Matter bridge: fixed bug in illumination sensor mapping, was mapped to matter as humidity.
  • Matter bridge: fixed detail behaviour of dimming lights according to matter specs.
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • p44script: all time getter functions such as hour(), month(), sunrise() etc. now accept a epoch timestamp argument. Also epochtime() function allows constructing epoch timestamps from date components.

Changes since

  • LED chains: more led layout (R,G,B,W ordering) options
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate.

Changes since

  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • p44script: better handling of fatal errors in general and in scripted device implementations in particular (no more attempts to re-run implementations scripts with fatal errors).

Changes since

  • Web-UI: when creating multiple bridge devices, name in creation dialog is now empty again (bridge type remains set). Same for other device types where dialog fields were carrying over values from previous use when they should be empty.
  • bugfix: color mode attribute in matter color lights should work ok now

Changes since

  • compatibility: commissioning now works with iOS 16.2 beta
  • transition time: now works for fractions seconds (was truncated to integer seconds before)
  • identify: now works correctly (more than once per device)
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..

Changes since

  • sensors: temperature, humidity, illumination sensors now supported
  • composed devices: devices containing outputs and sensors will now be modelled as "composed device". Matter controller apps might not recognize composed devices yet and still show them like separate devices (as in iOS 16.1
  • non-light outputs: these are now bridged as "plug-in unit" into matter
  • identify: support for identifying lights during commissioning (however iOS 16.1's "Identify" button does not work with bridged devices yet)
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.2

Changes since

  • bridge devices: do not monitor other scenes than on/off for areas and on/off bridges.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2022-11-15

Firmware - Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • p44script: better handling of fatal errors in general and in scripted device implementations in particular (no more attempts to re-run implementations scripts with fatal errors).

Changes since

  • Web-UI: when creating multiple bridge devices, name in creation dialog is now empty again (bridge type remains set). Same for other device types where dialog fields were carrying over values from previous use when they should be empty.
  • bugfix: color mode attribute in matter color lights should work ok now

Changes since

  • compatibility: commissioning now works with iOS 16.2 beta
  • transition time: now works for fractions seconds (was truncated to integer seconds before)
  • identify: now works correctly (more than once per device)
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..

Changes since

  • sensors: temperature, humidity, illumination sensors now supported
  • composed devices: devices containing outputs and sensors will now be modelled as "composed device". Matter controller apps might not recognize composed devices yet and still show them like separate devices (as in iOS 16.1
  • non-light outputs: these are now bridged as "plug-in unit" into matter
  • identify: support for identifying lights during commissioning (however iOS 16.1's "Identify" button does not work with bridged devices yet)
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.2

Changes since

  • bridge devices: do not monitor other scenes than on/off for areas and on/off bridges.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2022-11-06

Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • Web-UI: when creating multiple bridge devices, name in creation dialog is now empty again (bridge type remains set). Same for other device types where dialog fields were carrying over values from previous use when they should be empty.
  • bugfix: color mode attribute in matter color lights should work ok now

Changes since

  • compatibility: commissioning now works with iOS 16.2 beta
  • transition time: now works for fractions seconds (was truncated to integer seconds before)
  • identify: now works correctly (more than once per device)
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..

Changes since

  • sensors: temperature, humidity, illumination sensors now supported
  • composed devices: devices containing outputs and sensors will now be modelled as "composed device". Matter controller apps might not recognize composed devices yet and still show them like separate devices (as in iOS 16.1
  • non-light outputs: these are now bridged as "plug-in unit" into matter
  • identify: support for identifying lights during commissioning (however iOS 16.1's "Identify" button does not work with bridged devices yet)
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.2

Changes since

  • bridge devices: do not monitor other scenes than on/off for areas and on/off bridges.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2022-10-28

Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • compatibility: commissioning now works with iOS 16.2 beta
  • transition time: now works for fractions seconds (was truncated to integer seconds before)
  • identify: now works correctly (more than once per device)
  • digitalSTROM bridge devices: non-light (non-yellow) bridge devices are now mapped as "plug-in unit" into matter, which allows defining other purpose than light in matter.
  • web-UI: the status and info columns in the device tab are now refreshing every 15 seconds so the list should always show pretty much current information without the need to reload the entire list..

Changes since

  • sensors: temperature, humidity, illumination sensors now supported
  • composed devices: devices containing outputs and sensors will now be modelled as "composed device". Matter controller apps might not recognize composed devices yet and still show them like separate devices (as in iOS 16.1
  • non-light outputs: these are now bridged as "plug-in unit" into matter
  • identify: support for identifying lights during commissioning (however iOS 16.1's "Identify" button does not work with bridged devices yet)
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.
  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 22.03.2

Changes since

  • bridge devices: do not monitor other scenes than on/off for areas and on/off bridges.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2022-10-26

Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • sensors: temperature, humidity, illumination sensors now supported
  • composed devices: devices containing outputs and sensors will now be modelled as "composed device". Matter controller apps might not recognize composed devices yet and still show them like separate devices (as in iOS 16.1
  • non-light outputs: these are now bridged as "plug-in unit" into matter
  • identify: support for identifying lights during commissioning (however iOS 16.1's "Identify" button does not work with bridged devices yet)
  • web-UI: the channel settings dialog (sprocket icon, with sliders for adjusting channel values) now updates channel values live, so you can watch channel changes as they happen via matter or from digitalSTROM.

Changes since

  • bridge devices: do not monitor other scenes than on/off for areas and on/off bridges.
  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2022-10-05

Matter bridge early beta testing

Test Version with p44mbrd matter bridge on OpenWrt 22.03

Note: the 2.7.x.x matter-enabled beta versions are available upon request only at this time. See plan44 matter info page for details.

Important: This is really a beta version - matter itself and this firmware most probably contain bugs. It has been proved working fine in our internal tests, but still, be aware that there could be unexpected problems.

Please also do not forget to create a backup of your P44-DSB configuration before upgrading!

Changes since

  • based on officially released matter SDK v1.0.0

Changes since

  • matter bridge restart and reset now works
  • better bridge status (commissionable, started, waiting for first device) info

Changes since

  • bridging devices for mirroring basic room state into matter (including native dS devices)
  • dynamic adding of newly bridged devices
  • can now start without bridged devices, delays matter-side startup until we have at least one device
  • deleting devices sets them unreachable in matter (testing)
released 2023-06-06


This Beta "testing" Firmware for P44-DSB devices is the "golden master" for and thus identical to production firmware 2.6.8. It contains some general improvements and bug fixes.

Note that this update is always needed as an intermediary step to firmware 2.7.0.x and beyond. So, please check for new firmware again after installing this version, there might be a newer firmware already.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since production version 2.6.6 and Beta-Version testing, resp.


  • local click handling: local click handling acts as a fallback when no connection to dSS exists, and makes all lights respond to light buttons. Fixed a bug that also made lights respond to non-light buttons in this case.
  • Animators: fixed bug that caused spurious glitches (animators seemingly not running or running too fast)
  • upgrading: ready for upgrading to 2.7.0.x and beyond. Installing is required as an intermediate step in all cases. Please check for updates again after installing.


  • Enocean: add support for D2-07-00 door lock status profile.
  • Channel transitions: improved wraparound channels (such as "hue") to allow full circle transitions in one step.
  • Analogio: Added CWWW lights, add WebUI support for creating Linux-PWMChip-based lights.
  • p44lrgraphics: add support for multiple fonts, for now 7x5 and 8x5 but mechanism in place for bigger sizes, add support for french accent characters with basic mechanism in place for handling any UTF-8 codepoint in fonts.
  • p44script: added foreach statement
  • p44script: answer() functions for web requests and feature requests now also accept an error value as argument to send back to the API caller.
  • p44script: Added digitalbus() to combine multiple GPIOs to input or output a digital value
  • p44script: all time getter functions such as hour(), month(), sunrise() etc. now accept a epoch timestamp argument. Also epochtime() function allows constructing epoch timestamps from date components.
  • LED chains: more led layout (R,G,B,W ordering) options
  • LED chains: reworked update timing engine, is now more precise, issues log warnings when display is likely to be jumpy or flickering due to limits in max LED output frame rate. (testing)
released 2022-11-14


This is a beta testing firmware. Beta firmwares are released more often than release versions, and occasionally might have yet undetected bugs. However, beta firmware gets tested at the same way as release firmware, so the risk for severe problems is very low.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Changes since / 2.6.6

  • backups: P44-DSB backups are gzipped tar files and therefore had the .tgz file extension. Unfortunatly, some browsers automatically expand .tgz, which is not helpful. So backups now have .p44cfg extension to avoid auto-expansion (the file format is still .tgz - for those who want to look into a backup).
  • p44script: better handling of fatal errors in general and in scripted device implementations in particular (no more attempts to re-run implementations scripts with fatal errors). (testing)
released 2022-11-11


This Beta "testing" Firmware for P44-DSB devices is the "golden master" for and thus identical to production firmware 2.6.6. It contains some general improvements and bug fixes.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Improvements since production version 2.6.5 and Beta-Version testing, resp.


  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables
  • Tunable Whites: Some tunable white lights still showed an icon indicating full RGB color light. Now the correct WW/CW-Icon is shown.


  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings.
  • matter: More internal preparation to provide matter bridge functionality for the P44-DSB with a future firmware update. A beta version is already available, see details here. (testing)
released 2022-10-17

Changes since / 2.6.5

  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables (testing)
released 2022-10-17

Changes since / 2.6.5

  • evaluators: improved logging to show which evaluator device is affected when there are unresolved value mappings
  • evaluators: fixed problem with between_dates() which caused too many evaluations on the last day of the date range and possibly slowed down the device for that day.
  • p44script: fixed problem with event distribution when assigning signal() results to variables (testing)
released 2022-09-06

This Beta "testing" Firmware for P44-DSB devices is the "golden master" for and thus identical to production firmware 2.6.5. It contains some general improvements and bug fixes, as well as some additional p44script capabilities.

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of your device's configuration.

Improvements since production version 2.6.4 and Beta-Version testing, resp.


  • Text is now easier to select and copy in the web interface (in some browsers, text could only be selected via right-click before).
  • More precise output transition timing, multiple channels can now be in differently timed transitions at the same time for hardware devices which support that.
  • Evaluators: more intuitive behaviour when on/off conditions logically overlap (are both true at the same time), improved logging to make understanding evaluator condition evaluation easier.
  • Foundation laid for the P44-xx device to possibly act as a matter bridge in the future.


  • Assigning a very long name for the P44-xx device could cause dns-sd not being able to publish and thus device would no longer be found in the network by dSS and not appear in Bonjour or Avahi network browsers. Now long names are automatically shortened to prevent this.


  • Added bit(field) manipulation functions: bit(), setbit(), flipbit().
  • Added lowercase(), uppercase(), caseinsensitive option for find() and new replace() function for string manipulation.
  • Added cquote() function.
  • Added withmeta and formdata options to httprequest(). Also, httprequest() now treats all "success" class status codes (200..203) as ok, not just 200.
  • Added dnssdbrowse() function to search for named public services in the local network using dns-sd (aka Bonjour, aka zeroconf, aka avahi).
  • Added annotation() function to get the annotation string of a value (which for example often indicates the reason for a result being null/undefined).
  • Added globalbuiltins() and contextbuiltins() functions listing all built-in global or context-level functions/objects.
  • Boolean operators now return "real" boolean values, i.e. not just generic numeric 0 or 1, but actual bool type (which still converts to numeric 1 value for true, 0 for false). The main difference is that these "real" booleans, when assigned to JSON object fields, are actually represented as JSON booleans, not numbers.

Scripted devices/external device API

  • Buttons now can directly report clicks and longpress (useful when the button device already has it's own click detection, which might be more precise than transmitting direct button press/release events via an API that might add too much delay). (testing)
released 2022-09-02

First release candiate for 2.6.5 production release

Changes since

  • p44script: added dnssdbrowse() to find devices in local network.

Changes since

  • Bugfix: assigning a very long name for the vdchost could cause dns-sd not being able to publish the IP address on the network and thus device not getting found by the dSS and not appearing in Bonjour or Avahi network browsers such as LocalSites for macOS. Now long names are shortened before pusblishing via dns-sd.
  • Internal/Developer: added brigdeAPI, allowing bridge apps to access devices and get notifications for device events.
  • external device API: buttons now can directly report clicks and longpress (when the button implementation wants to use its own click detection).
  • p44script: added replace() for find-and-replace in strings. (testing)
released 2022-08-19

Changes since

  • Bugfix: assigning a very long name for the vdchost could cause dns-sd not being able to publish the IP address on the network and thus device not getting found by the dSS and not appearing in "Bonjour" or "Avahi" network browsers such as "LocalSites". Now long names are shortened before pusblishing via dns-sd.
  • Internal/Developer: added brigdeAPI, allowing bridge apps to access devices and get notifications for device events.
  • New "Feature" keyevents: this feature allows getting events from pressing and releasing keys from a linux /dev/input/xx device.

Changes since

  • Evaluators: fix bug introduced in which could cause holdoff delays (settling time) of conditions to get skipped.
  • web UI: clarified title/hint for buttons and dialogs showing binary inputs and sensor values.
  • p44script: real boolean values that actually resolve to true and false in JSON context (rather than 0 and 1 as before),  enhanced httprequest() with formdata and withmeta options and treating http status codes 200..203 all as ok (not just 200 as before). (testing)
released 2022-07-08

Changes since

  • Evaluators: fix bug introduced in which could cause holdoff delays (settling time) of conditions to get skipped.
  • web UI: clarified title/hint for buttons and dialogs showing binary inputs and sensor values.
  • p44script: real boolean values that actually resolve to true and false in JSON context (rather than 0 and 1 as before),  enhanced httprequest() with formdata and withmeta options and treating http status codes 200..203 all as ok (not just 200 as before). (testing)
released 2022-05-19

Changes since

  • Evaluators: better logging helping to understand evaluator processing, sensible handling of overlapping on and off conditions.
  • web UI: support for tap&hold for mobile device browsers as an alterative to Command/Ctrl-Clicks (e.g. for scene editing)
  • scene editing: when opening the channels dialog for a output device with tap&hold or shift key pressed (sprocket button), additional scene call/save/edit controls appear. Now, when choosing a scene, an additional checkbox appears for each channel to enable/disable a channel for a scene. This allows configuring scenes that only affect some channels (e.g. a scene that only changes color, but not brightness).
  • transitions: improved timing accuray, independent transitions can now run in different channels simultaneously with different speeds.
  • p44script: add delayuntil() function for awaiting a absolute point in time (useful for making sure a longer chain of timed actions does not drift due to execution time between delay() calls adding up). Enhanced epochtime() to allow converting from wall clock time. output.stopactions() now stops ongoing transitions as well (if hardware allows), not only scene scripts/effects. New bit(), setbit() and flipbit() functions for easy bit manipulation. New lowercase() and uppercase() functions and caseinsensitive option for find().

Changes since

  • hue: hue bridges are now discovered via DNS-SD (Bonjour/mDNS/ZeroConf) as Philips/Signify announced that SSDP/UPnP discovery will be disabled in a upcoming hue bridge firmware update (new square bridges only, old round bridges still need SSDP and are still supported). (testing)
released 2022-05-06

Changes since

  • web UI: support for tap&hold for mobile device browsers as an alterative to Command/Ctrl-Clicks (e.g. for scene editing)
  • scene editing: when opening the channels dialog for a output device with tap&hold or shift key pressed (sprocket button), additional scene call/save/edit controls appear. Now, when choosing a scene, an additional checkbox appears for each channel to enable/disable a channel for a scene. This allows configuring scenes that only affect some channels (e.g. a scene that only changes color, but not brightness).
  • transitions: improved timing accuray, independent transitions can now run in different channels simultaneously with different speeds.
  • p44script: add delayuntil() function for awaiting a absolute point in time (useful for making sure a longer chain of timed actions does not drift due to execution time between delay() calls adding up). Enhanced epochtime() to allow converting from wall clock time. output.stopactions() now stops ongoing transitions as well (if hardware allows), not only scene scripts/effects. New bit(), setbit() and flipbit() functions for easy bit manipulation. New lowercase() and uppercase() functions and caseinsensitive option for find().

Changes since

  • hue: hue bridges are now discovered via DNS-SD (Bonjour/mDNS/ZeroConf) as Philips/Signify announced that SSDP/UPnP discovery will be disabled in a upcoming hue bridge firmware update (new square bridges only, old round bridges still need SSDP and are still supported). (testing)
released 2022-03-17

Please note: this is an important technical upgrade needed to ensure compatibility with an upcoming hue bridge release, which will change the way how hue bridges are found in the local network (LAN).

The change should be completely transparent to you as a user of the P44 device, which means that you should see absolutely nothing changing regarding hue, and everything working as before. However, as the introduction of DNS-SD into hue is a significant internal change, this beta version is to make sure everthing works as intended. So if you see problems with hue after installing, please let me know.

Changes since

  • hue: hue bridges are now discovered via DNS-SD (Bonjour/mDNS/ZeroConf) as Philips/Signify announced that SSDP/UPnP discovery will be disabled in a upcoming hue bridge firmware update (new square bridges only, old round bridges still need SSDP and are still supported). (testing)
released 2022-03-08

Changes since

  • shadow devices: should now get proper UI in digitalSTROM (added resp. modelfeatures)
  • p44script: restartapp() now can optionally also reboot, shutdown or start a firmware upgrade.
  • transition time: fix bugs that could occur in some edge cases such that scene transitions would not work as expected.
  • Web-UI: fixed custom transition time scene effect to show the parameter field, so transition time can actually be edited.
  • p44script: fixed inconsistencies in member access, for example assigning variables via globalvars()['name'] = xx.

Changes since

  • p44script: fix crash that could happen when run time error occurred within nested function calls.
  • Webserver: now allows (but never requests) accessing via http basic auth. This allows IoT hardware not capable of digest auth to still access the web API. Note that basic auth risks exposing the password when used without https/TLS.
  • p44script: httprequest() now allows accessing servers using basic auth (because that is needed by some IoT hardware not capable of digest auth). By default, httprequest() does not suggest basic auth and allows it only in SSL connections when the server asks for it. 
  • p44script: new functions maxblocktime() and maxruntime() for controlling script execution time slice and overall max run time.

Changes since

  • logging: better error display showing not only numeric error code, but also name text.
  • p44script: new functions isok()ifok() to catch errors for example when accessing data fields, strrep() for creating string with repeating patterns.
  • p44script: signal() now can send data, which allows using it as a "pipe" to transmit information between different script contexts and threads.
  • p44script: user defined functions can now be created as "local function" to keep them private to the context (e.g. device, mainscript) instead of exposing them globally. Also, for clarity, functions may now be declared "global function".
  • p44script internal: the event passing mechanism (on which on(..) {...} is based on) has been significantly improved and generalized. This also fixes a few edge cases that could cause inconsistencies with events in too rapid succession. (testing)
released 2022-01-31

Changes since

  • p44script: fix crash that could happen when run time error occurred within nested function calls.
  • Webserver: now allows (but never requests) accessing via http basic auth. This allows IoT hardware not capable of digest auth to still access the web API. Note that basic auth risks exposing the password when used without https/TLS.
  • p44script: httprequest() now allows accessing servers using basic auth (because that is needed by some IoT hardware not capable of digest auth). By default, httprequest() does not suggest basic auth and allows it only in SSL connections when the server asks for it. 
  • p44script: new functions maxblocktime() and maxruntime() for controlling script execution time slice and overall max run time.

Changes since

  • logging: better error display showing not only numeric error code, but also name text.
  • p44script: new functions isok()ifok() to catch errors for example when accessing data fields, strrep() for creating string with repeating patterns.
  • p44script: signal() now can send data, which allows using it as a "pipe" to transmit information between different script contexts and threads.
  • p44script: user defined functions can now be created as "local function" to keep them private to the context (e.g. device, mainscript) instead of exposing them globally. Also, for clarity, functions may now be declared "global function".
  • p44script internal: the event passing mechanism (on which on(..) {...} is based on) has been significantly improved and generalized. This also fixes a few edge cases that could cause inconsistencies with events in too rapid succession. (testing)
released 2022-01-28

Changes since

  • logging: better error display showing not only numeric error code, but also name text.
  • p44script: new functions isok()ifok() to catch errors for example when accessing data fields, strrep() for creating string with repeating patterns.
  • p44script: signal() now can send data, which allows using it as a "pipe" to transmit information between different script contexts and threads.
  • p44script: user defined functions can now be created as "local function" to keep them private to the context (e.g. device, mainscript) instead of exposing them globally. Also, for clarity, functions may now be declared "global function".
  • p44script internal: the event passing mechanism (on which on(..) {...} is based on) has been significantly improved and generalized. This also fixes a few edge cases that could cause inconsistencies with events in too rapid succession. (testing)
released 2022-01-17

Changes since

  • log display: more legible formatting of scene name/numbers.
  • REPL: added log line wrap option like already present in main log.
  • scriptapi: API endpoint `/api/json/scriptapi` which can be activated via p44script is now accessible without `rqvaltok`token. (testing)
released 2021-12-16

Changes since

  • log display: there is now a toggle to have log display wrap long lines
  • Internal Action Evaluators: trigger conditions are now re-evaluated after action script has run to detect script side effects (such as changing a script variable) that might be needed to reset the trigger condition. (testing)
released 2021-12-05

Changes since 2.6.1 /

  • EnOcean: Fix learn-in for F6-05-02 smoke detector (e.g. Afriso ASD20)
  • logging: scene operations now have a text description for the scene involved (such as "preset 1" for scene number 5).
  • modbus support: now p44script devices can use modbus over TCP (or RS485/RS232 for P44-xx devices with USB or direct UART connections). Modbus is a standard protocol often used e.g. for solar charge controllers (requires userlevel >=1).
  • p44script: add hex(), binary() and sceneno() functions, improve random() function.
  • p44script: support for direct access to i2c and SPI devices (requires userlevel >=1).
  • Raspberry Pi platform: enabled kernel support for 1Wire (W1).
  • plan44 tech docs: online docs updated theme with better navigation and readability, added new sections for modbus, i2c, spi.

Changes since 2.6.0 /

  • Scripted custom devices: fixed problem that could cause on(…){…} handlers get duplicated and being active multiple times in the background when editing implementations.
  • https access from p44script: fixed a problem that prevented accessing some https servers (those that require SNI to establish a connection).
  • LEDchain: divs small bugfixes, in particular more accurate LED power limiting.
  • p44script: file paths prefixed with +/ are considered resource paths, prefixed with =/ data paths. (testing)
released 2021-11-15

Changes since 2.6.1 /

  • modbus support: now p44script devices can use modbus over TCP (or RS485/RS232 for P44-xx devices with USB or direct UART connections). Modbus is a standard protocol often used e.g. for solar charge controllers (requires userlevel >=1).
  • p44script: add hex() and binary() functions
  • p44script: support for direct access to i2c and SPI devices (requires userlevel >=1).
  • Raspberry Pi platform: enabled kernel support for 1Wire (W1).
  • plan44 tech docs: online docs updated theme with better navigation and readability, added new sections for modbus, i2c, spi

Changes since 2.6.0 /

  • Scripted custom devices: fixed problem that could cause on(…){…} handlers get duplicated and being active multiple times in the background when editing implementations.
  • https access from p44script: fixed a problem that prevented accessing some https servers (those that require SNI to establish a connection).
  • LEDchain: divs small bugfixes, in particular more accurate LED power limiting.
  • p44script: file paths prefixed with +/ are considered resource paths, prefixed with =/ data paths. (testing)
released 2021-11-02

Changes since 2.6.0 /

  • Scripted custom devices: fixed problem that could cause on(…){…} handlers get duplicated and being active multiple times in the background when editing implementations.
  • https access from p44script: fixed a problem that prevented accessing some https servers (those that require SNI to establish a connection).
  • LEDchain: divs small bugfixes, in particular more accurate LED power limiting.
  • p44script: file paths prefixed with +/ are considered resource paths, prefixed with =/ data paths. (testing)
released 2021-10-24

Changes since 2.6.0 /

  • Scripted custom devices: fixed problem that could cause on(…){…} handlers get duplicated and being active multiple times in the background when editing implementations.
  • https access from p44script: fixed a problem that prevented accessing some https servers (those that require SNI to establish a connection). (testing)
released 2021-10-01

Equivalent to 2.6.0 production release

The firmware 2.6.0 for P44-DSB devices (and 1.6.0 for P44-LC/AC) focuses on extendabilityand flexibility to create advanced applications.

It now allows integration with services and 3rd party hardware all completely within the P44-xx device itself, with no external dependencies or tools needed, and thus suitable for long-lived installations. The complete customized setup of a P44-DSB/P44-LC/AC device can be downloaded and archived as a single file, and can be restored easily to the original device or a replacement device when needed.

To see what can be done with a P44-DSB/LC device beyond the usual, find a few examples here.

Of course, despite all the new possibilities, the P44-DSB/LC remains as simple to use as before, integrating DALI, EnOcean and hue devices into digitalSTROM with a few clicks.

Improvements since production version 2.5.0

Web Interface

  • Speed: Significantly improved speed, especially noticeable with interactive sliders (output channel settings such as brightness, color) which are now way smoother than before.
  • Caching: Complete overhaul of internal web server configuration to prevent caching problems and the occasional "Ajax -1" error that sometimes occurred (which was harmless, but ugly).
  • More info: Device and vDC Info dialog now has a "Technical details" section with extra information and a link to open a separate device/vdc property tree window.
  • Visual feedback: Buttons that trigger an action (such as testing a scene script) will now light up to confirm when the device has actually started executing the action. This helps especially when debugging setups with flakey wifi connection.


  • Scripted custom devices: while customer defined devices were already possible for a while using the external device API, this release now allows creating custom hardware and service integrations entirely on-device using p44script. While this is an advanced feature that needs some programming skills, there are some ready to use examples available. Things that can be done with scripted custom devices are, for example: 
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages 
    • controlling devices via http or websocket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays (P44-DSB-X and custom P44-xx devices only)
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc. (P44-DSB-X and custom P44-xx devices only)
  • Many new functions: file access with readfile() and writefile(), numerical range transform with maprange()ord()/chr() for working with binary strings, httprequest(), urlencode() and websocket() for accessing complex APIs, globalvars(), localvars(), contextvars(), globalhandlers(), contexthandlers() for introspection and debugging, digitalio(), analogio(), dcmotor() for working with directly connected hardware (P44-DSB-X and custom P44-xx devices only).
  • JSON objects: now JSON object's field names can now be accessed using numeric subscript (obj[0] returns name of first field in obj).
  • External access: the device's JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • Threads: thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword and are implicitly used in as clause of on() and catch(). For thread coordination, new functions signal(), lock() exist.
  • Documentation: in addition to the built-in script short reference, p44 tech docs now provide a lot of information and examples for all the many advanced applications p44script can enable.
  • Logging: much better display of context where script-related things happen, incuding complete call chain when scripts call functions defined in other scripts. Enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format().
  • Debugging: Pretty-printed JSON results in Read-Execute-Print/REPL (repl.html) and tweak (tweak.html) screens help inspecting API results, lrgraphics status() info etc.

Support for custom device types (P44-DSB-X and custom P44-xx devices only)

  • SmartLED chains/p44lrgraphics: Now supports setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) in p44script using addledchain(). The LED refresh rate can be changed using setledrefresh() programmatically.
  • LEDchain devices: Simplified creating text, life, image based lights.
  • "p44features": this is a set of rather specific hardware drivers, which now can be used from p44script. For example if you have Swiss Railway split flap modules, there is a splitflap feature to control these.
  • WiFi: For RaspberryPi 3 based P44-DSB-X devices, WiFi can be configured by Cmd/Ctrl-Shift clicking "Edit Network Settings...").
  • Hardware I/O: digitalio() and analogio() allow accessing GPIO pins, PWM outputs, I2C and SPI peripherals such as A/D converters or port expanders in p44script.
  • Motor control: dcmotor() provides all functionality for bidirectional DC motors with current measurement for detecting end stops and/or end contacts, with smooth ramp up/down control (suitable H-bridge driver and A/D converter connected to PWM, GPIO, SPI/I2C required).


  • Platform: updated to OpenWrt 19.07.8
  • Other: of course, many detail improvement and bug fixes… (testing)
released 2021-09-16

First release candiate for 2.6.0 production release

Big New Feature in Version 2.6: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example  
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • WebUI: Device info dialogs now have a "technical details..." button to reveal detail info that was previously only visible in the tooltip of the dSUID field (which only appears on desktops, not mobiles)
  • Sensors and Inputs: reduced value confirming (i.e. unchanged values) reporting towards dSS, as it seems too many reports can cause congestion at the dSS already for relativley modest total amounts of reports (in the range of one per second).

Changes since

  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 19.07.8
  • p44features: now included, can be used from p44script in very specific applications (for example if you have Swiss Railway split flap modules...).
  • bugfix: workaround for vdcd using too much CPU time when monitoring edge changes on GPIOs due to a libev incompatibility with Linux GPIOs.

Changes since

  • platform: IO polling now based on libev. While this should not cause any changes in behaviour, it is technically a significant change in the core engine and as such might have unexpected side effects in edge cases - that's why it is mentioned here.
  • p44script: add support for websocket APIs with websocket() function.
  • p44script: accessing json object with numeric array subscript now returns field names.
  • p44script: extended support for http client with httprequest() function.
  • p44script: bugfix: calling user defined functions from concurrent blocks did not always work correctly. 

Changes since

  • Web interface: complete overhaul of internal web server configuration to prevent caching problems and the occasional "Ajax -1" error that sometimes occurred (which was harmless, but ugly).
  • Web interface speed: Significantly improved speed, especially noticeable with interactive sliders (output channel settings such as brightness, color) which are now way smoother than before.

Changes since

  • external devices: fix regression: did crash when using "initvdc" message.
  • evaluators: fix regression when comparing undefined sensor/input values. A comparison of an undefined input with any value, including zero, must return false.
  • web-ui: visual feedback for all buttons that trigger an action (if, and only if the action was actually executed in the device) 

Changes since

  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-09-03

Big New Feature in Version 2.6: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example  
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • platform: updated to OpenWrt 19.07.8
  • p44features: now included, can be used from p44script in very specific applications (for example if you have Swiss Railway split flap modules...).
  • bugfix: workaround for vdcd using too much CPU time when monitoring edge changes on GPIOs due to a libev incompatibility with Linux GPIOs.

Changes since

  • platform: IO polling now based on libev. While this should not cause any changes in behaviour, it is technically a significant change in the core engine and as such might have unexpected side effects in edge cases - that's why it is mentioned here.
  • p44script: add support for websocket APIs with websocket() function.
  • p44script: accessing json object with numeric array subscript now returns field names.
  • p44script: extended support for http client with httprequest() function.
  • p44script: bugfix: calling user defined functions from concurrent blocks did not always work correctly. 

Changes since

  • Web interface: complete overhaul of internal web server configuration to prevent caching problems and the occasional "Ajax -1" error that sometimes occurred (which was harmless, but ugly).
  • Web interface speed: Significantly improved speed, especially noticeable with interactive sliders (output channel settings such as brightness, color) which are now way smoother than before.

Changes since

  • external devices: fix regression: did crash when using "initvdc" message.
  • evaluators: fix regression when comparing undefined sensor/input values. A comparison of an undefined input with any value, including zero, must return false.
  • web-ui: visual feedback for all buttons that trigger an action (if, and only if the action was actually executed in the device) 

Changes since

  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-08-14

Big New Feature in Version 2.6: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example  
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • Web interface: complete overhaul of internal web server configuration to prevent caching problems and the occasional "Ajax -1" error that sometimes occurred (which was harmless, but ugly).
  • Web interface speed: Significantly improved speed, especially noticeable with interactive sliders (output channel settings such as brightness, color) which are now way smoother than before.

Changes since

  • evaluators: fix regression when comparing undefined sensor/input values. A comparison of an undefined input with any value, including zero, must return false.
  • web-ui: visual feedback for all buttons that trigger an action (if, and only if the action was actually executed in the device)
  • web-ui: wifi settings (P44-DSB-X only) now allow configuring client and access point separately. 

Changes since

  • RaspberryPi 3: (P44-DSB-X only) can now use WiFi, hold down Shift+Cmd/Ctrl while clicking on "Edit Network Settings" to open (simplistic, experimental!) WiFi settings.
  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-07-29

Big New Feature in Version 2.6: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example  
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • Web interface: complete overhaul of internal web server configuration to prevent caching problems and the occasional "Ajax -1" error that sometimes occurred (which was harmless, but ugly).
  • Web interface speed: Significantly improved speed, especially noticeable with interactive sliders (output channel settings such as brightness, color) which are now way smoother than before.

Changes since

  • evaluators: fix regression when comparing undefined sensor/input values. A comparison of an undefined input with any value, including zero, must return false.
  • web-ui: visual feedback for all buttons that trigger an action (if, and only if the action was actually executed in the device)
  • web-ui: wifi settings (P44-DSB-X only) now allow configuring client and access point separately. 

Changes since

  • RaspberryPi 3: (P44-DSB-X only) can now use WiFi, hold down Shift+Cmd/Ctrl while clicking on "Edit Network Settings" to open (simplistic, experimental!) WiFi settings.
  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-07-16

Big New Feature: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example 
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • evaluators: fix regression when comparing undefined sensor/input values. A comparison of an undefined input with any value, including zero, must return false.
  • web-ui: visual feedback for all buttons that trigger an action (if, and only if the action was actually executed in the device)
  • web-ui: wifi settings (P44-DSB-X only) now allow configuring client and access point separately. 

Changes since

  • RaspberryPi 3: (P44-DSB-X only) can now use WiFi, hold down Shift+Cmd/Ctrl while clicking on "Edit Network Settings" to open (simplistic, experimental!) WiFi settings.
  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-07-09

Big New Feature: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example 
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • evaluators: fix regression when comparing undefined sensor/input values. A comparison of an undefined input with any value, including zero, must return false.
  • web-ui: visual feedback for all buttons that trigger an action (if, and only if the action was actually executed in the device)
  • web-ui: wifi settings (P44-DSB-X only) now allow configuring client and access point separately. 

Changes since

  • RaspberryPi 3: (P44-DSB-X only) can now use WiFi, hold down Shift+Cmd/Ctrl while clicking on "Edit Network Settings" to open (simplistic, experimental!) WiFi settings.
  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-07-02

Big New Feature: Scripted Custom Devices

  • Allows creating custom devices of all kinds, for example 
    • pulling sensor data from external webpages
    • controlling devices via http or socket APIs
    • visualizing control values with LED chain displays
    • creating custom motor controllers for windows, movie screens etc.
  • Very similar to "external device API" (which still exists), but no need for external scripts - everything can be done in p44script on the device itself!
  • Examples and documentation are available in p44 tech docs.

Changes since

  • p44script full screen editor: now supports Cmd/Ctrl-S for saving script.
  • p44script: better variable scopes, enhanced log() function now allows formatting like format(), appversion() function.
  • p44script: support for digitalIO, analogIO and DC motors.
  • p44script: add signal() function to create event object for synchronizing threads.
  • p44script: now the JSON API has a "scriptapi" endpoint, which can be used to implement custom API in p44script using the webrequest() event function and its member answer() for responding to web requests.
  • p44script: add readfile() and writefile() functions
  • p44script: add thread-local variables. Implicitly, variables used in as clause of on() and catch() are now thread-local. Explicitly, thread-local variables can be defined using the threadvar keyword.
  • ledchains/p44lrgraphics: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) support for more flexible led chain drivers which now allow setting LED chip type and layout (RGB,GRB,…) directly in ledchainarrangement specifications on the command line, or via addledchain(). Add setledrefresh() to also allow this parameter from scripts (and not only via --ledrefresh command line option).
  • p44lrgraphics/scroller: (P44-DSB-X, P44-xx-LED, P44-xx-E+L only) new event function empty() to allow triggering on ticker-like displays running empty to fill in new content plus some related function alertempty(), remainingtime(), remainingpixels(), purge(). (testing)
released 2021-04-12

Changes since

  • Platform: Updated to OpenWrt 19.07.7
  • ola: included again (was missing since due to build problems) (testing)
released 2021-03-28

Changes since

  • Logging: now all device class related logging (such as DALI/EnOcean/hue low level info) is consistently prefixed and follows vdc-level log silencing/increasing (logLevelOffset).
  • p44Script: short reference now contains link to new p44-techdocs web site which contains the short reference also in german and will grow to contain detail information, tutorials and examples for P44-xx devices. (testing)
released 2021-03-01

Equivalent with 2.5.0 production release

Changes since

  • Updates: hint at automatic update check option once after installing.
  • p44script: fix oplevel subfield of sensor values (did return the sensor value instead of oplevel)
  • channels: now can be used as value sources (triggering evaluators, trigger conditions and on() statements). (testing)
released 2021-02-28

Second release candiate for 2.5.0 production release

Changes since

  • Updates: hint at automatic update check option once after installing.
  • p44script: fix oplevel subfield of sensor values (did return the sensor value instead of oplevel) (testing)
released 2021-02-12

First release candiate for 2.5.0 production release

New features (since production release)

  • Automatic check for Updates: optionally, the P44-DSB can now automatically check if a new firmware version is available, and if so, show an alert when opening the web interface (the next available version number is also available as a p44script function for use in triggers and evaluators).
  • Scripting: a new scripting engine, p44script, now allows scripting almost every aspect of the device. 
    • p44script has advanced features like user defined functions, concurrent operation, event handlers and a lot of functions from math to string handling to http and socket connections and much more.
    • p44script is fully compatible with the previous evaluator expressions and trigger/action scripts, but extends far beyond in functionality.
    • For editing longer source code, there is now a full-screen code editor with p44script syntax coloring and snippets (small link below the text fields)
    • For easily trying p44script features and code snippets, there is a REPL (Read Execute Print Loop) Web page at /repl.html.
    • See Script+Expression reference link below editors for a short reference for p44script.
    • Scripting is possible as before from internal action trigger type evaluator devices and from independent triggers on the trigger page.
    • In addition, every scene in every device can now have a scene script which is run when the scene is called. This allows advanced effects and transitions when scenes are invoked. To edit scene scripts (and other scene options), click the device's star icon in the lights page.
    • Individual device's scenes can be edited, saved and called by shift-clicking the sprocket icon in the lights or hardware tab (additional controls appear below the channel sliders).
    • For initializing and running custom setups, p44script provides a main script which is started with the device and may keep running in parallel with normal device operation.
  • hue: now supports on/off-only devices such as smart plugs.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging. To change the log level offset (from -2 to mostly silence to +2 to make very verbose), shift-click the (i)-button of a device and then one of the links labelled logging.
  • logging: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. Note that writing to flash can cause short delays and contributes to flash wear, so only enable the feature when actually needed. It is off by default.
  • Enhanced smart LED chain support (P44-DSB-X only): stripes and areas built from individually addressable color LEDs (WS281x, SK6812 etc.) can be used with p44lrgraphics subsystem.
    • p44lrgraphics is a graphic rendering system based on a hierarchy of views, including animation, transparency, rotation, PNG display, smooth scrolling, text and more.
    • For example, it drives the moving feature light with effects, which is a color light showing on a segment or spot on LED chains, with extra channels for size, color gradient, rotation etc.
    • p44lrgraphics is fully accessible from p44script, which allows creating and animating complex light arrangements.
    • It even supports Microsoft's expressive pixels animation format.
    • p44lrgraphics's origin is the messagetorch project from 7 years ago. It evolved via pixelboard to what it is today, so it still contains a torch view that can produce the fire animation of messagetorch (and a Conway's game of life view).

Improvements (since production release)

  • Better Versioning scheme:
    • Production versions will have numbers in the 2.5.0 form (major.minor.revision).
    • Testing/beta versions will keep the longer form, with the fourth number being the beta build version.
    • Beta versions will start with the number of the next release version. So a beta version like indicates that this is a beta for an upcoming 2.5.1 release.
  • Platform: updated to OpenWrt 19.07.6 
  • EnOcean: improved upgrading from insecure to encrypted communication, rolling counter refresh.
  • EnOcean: improved out-of-sync RLC handling, better log messages for encryption related warnings.
  • EnOcean: A5-20-04 communication interval reduced from 20 to 10min.
  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can now have an empty "off" condition to just run the action once whenever "on" condition becomes true. 
  • Web-UI: all dialogs can now be dismissed with Esc key or by clicking ouside of the dialog.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone.
  • LEDchains: now RGBW chains are supported, actual light color of W channel can be specified per chain. P44-DSB-X only
  • LEDchains: --ledrefresh command line parameter to tune update rate (lower for very long chains). P44-DSB-X only
  • LEDchains: ledchain driver with support for RGB (vs GRB) WS2815 LEDs. P44-DSB-X only

Bug fixes (since production release)

  • EnOcean: prevent encrypted sensors with repeaters to get out of sync (rolling counter) and seem "inactive" for some periods of time.
  • EnOcean: fix problems with secure devices persistence (inactive after restart)
  • Window/door/garage contacts: meaning of the active state (binary input = 1) is closed, not openExcept for rarely used EnOcean profiles A5-14-07/08, this is only a documentation/labelling change, because for generic contacts, configurations for both signal polarities existed already to cover different types of window/door contacts. (Note that this has nothing to do with the way window handle inputs work - for these the states were and still are: 0=closed, 1=open, 2=tilted).
  • Optimizer: fix bug that could cause scene not loading correctly.
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: fixed long-standing annoying JQMobile problem that caused open dialogs to scroll instead of accepting the first button clicked.
  • Webserver: now based on civetweb v1.12, which fixes a socket leak when accessing the Web-UI with a https request that fails due to SSL level errors. Before, polling the Web-UI via https constantly (as some monitor tools do), over time led to out-of-memory resulting in device becoming very slow.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2021-01-13

Changes in

  • hue: now works with on/off-only devices such as smart plugs.
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can now have an empty "off" condition to just run the action once whenever "on" condition becomes true. 
  • Window/door/garage contacts: meaning of the active state (binary input = 1) is closed, not openExcept for rarely used EnOcean profiles A5-14-07/08, this is only a documentation/labelling change, because for generic contacts, configurations for both signal polarities existed already to cover different types of window/door contacts. (Note that this has nothing to do with the way window handle inputs work - for these the states were and still are: 0=closed, 1=open, 2=tilted).
  • EnOcean: improved upgrading from insecure to encrypted communication, rolling counter refresh.
  • p44script: new function macaddress(), support for concatenating/merging JSON arrays/objects with the + operator
  • p44script: support for UDP socket communication
  • p44script: fixed bug that could cause trigger/evaluator to re-evaluate multiple times (or endlessly).
  • LED chains: extended p44script support with various functions for led chain management, view creation, power limiting.
  • LED chains: support for RGBW chains, actual light color of W channel can be specified per chain.

Changes in

  • EnOcean: encrypted device communication: improved out-of-sync RLC handling, better log messages for encryption related warnings.
  • p44script: fixed chained and delayed animator (did not start), improved logging

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix problems with secure devices persistence (inactive after restart)

Changes in

  • Optimizer: fix bug that could cause scene not loading correctly.
  • p44Script: savescene() function
  • p44Script: bugfixes around assigning thread variables (concurrent as xx statement).

Changes in

  • Scene editor: fixed toggle switches (were saved as "on" even when "off" in some cases).
  • LED chains: add --ledrefresh command line parameter to slow down refresh rate when using very long LED chains

Changes in

  • LED-chain based lights (P44-DSB-X only): Now support the brand new Microsoft Research "Expressive Pixels" animation format.
  • Scene Scripts: for advanced user scripting, there's now an editor for the so called "scene script" (which is a p44script started when a scene is called). For example this allows for launching an animation on a LED chain lamp, or a color sequence on any color capable light for certain events such as doorbell.

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important changes since last production release

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-10-16

Changes in

  • EnOcean: encrypted device communication: improved out-of-sync RLC handling, better log messages for encryption related warnings.
  • p44script: fixed chained and delayed animator (did not start), improved logging

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix problems with secure devices persistence (inactive after restart)

Changes in

  • Optimizer: fix bug that could cause scene not loading correctly.
  • p44Script: savescene() function
  • p44Script: bugfixes around assigning thread variables (concurrent as xx statement).

Changes in

  • Scene editor: fixed toggle switches (were saved as "on" even when "off" in some cases).
  • LED chains: add --ledrefresh command line parameter to slow down refresh rate when using very long LED chains

Changes in

  • LED-chain based lights (P44-DSB-X only): Now support the brand new Microsoft Research "Expressive Pixels" animation format.
  • Scene Scripts: for advanced user scripting, there's now an editor for the so called "scene script" (which is a p44script started when a scene is called). For example this allows for launching an animation on a LED chain lamp, or a color sequence on any color capable light for certain events such as doorbell.

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important recent changes

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-10-02

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix problems with secure devices persistence (inactive after restart)

Changes in

  • Optimizer: fix bug that could cause scene not loading correctly.
  • p44Script: savescene() function
  • p44Script: bugfixes around assigning thread variables (concurrent as xx statement).

Changes in

  • Scene editor: fixed toggle switches (were saved as "on" even when "off" in some cases).
  • LED chains: add --ledrefresh command line parameter to slow down refresh rate when using very long LED chains

Changes in

  • LED-chain based lights (P44-DSB-X only): Now support the brand new Microsoft Research "Expressive Pixels" animation format.
  • Scene Scripts: for advanced user scripting, there's now an editor for the so called "scene script" (which is a p44script started when a scene is called). For example this allows for launching an animation on a LED chain lamp, or a color sequence on any color capable light for certain events such as doorbell.

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important recent changes

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-09-30

Changes in

  • Optimizer: fix bug that could cause scene not loading correctly.
  • p44Script: savescene() function
  • p44Script: bugfixes around assigning thread variables (concurrent as xx statement).

Changes in

  • Scene editor: fixed toggle switches (were saved as "on" even when "off" in some cases).
  • LED chains: add --ledrefresh command line parameter to slow down refresh rate when using very long LED chains

Changes in

  • LED-chain based lights (P44-DSB-X only): Now support the brand new Microsoft Research "Expressive Pixels" animation format.
  • Scene Scripts: for advanced user scripting, there's now an editor for the so called "scene script" (which is a p44script started when a scene is called). For example this allows for launching an animation on a LED chain lamp, or a color sequence on any color capable light for certain events such as doorbell.

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important recent changes

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-09-16

Changes in

  • Scene editor: fixed toggle switches (were saved as "on" even when "off" in some cases).
  • LED chains: add --ledrefresh command line parameter to slow down refresh rate when using very long LED chains

Changes in

  • LED-chain based lights (P44-DSB-X only): Now support the brand new Microsoft Research "Expressive Pixels" animation format.
  • Scene Scripts: for advanced user scripting, there's now an editor for the so called "scene script" (which is a p44script started when a scene is called). For example this allows for launching an animation on a LED chain lamp, or a color sequence on any color capable light for certain events such as doorbell.

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important recent changes

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-09-10

Changes in

  • LED-chain based lights (P44-DSB-X only): Now support the brand new Microsoft Research "Expressive Pixels" animation format.
  • Scene Scripts: for advanced user scripting, there's now an editor for the so called "scene script" (which is a p44script started when a scene is called). For example this allows for launching an animation on a LED chain lamp, or a color sequence on any color capable light for certain events such as doorbell.

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important recent changes

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-08-26

Changes in

  • Version number jump: The jump from 2.0.5 to 2.4.9 is because the next production firmware is planned to be 2.5, while also reducing the version number to 3 levels (2.5.0, instead of The early betas for 2.5 will have 2.4.9.x version numbers.
  • Evaluators/Triggers: completely new scripting engine "p44script". This means: 
    • Please check your evaluators and triggers for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • If you were using any of the following beta features in your scripts, you need to adapt them:
      • channel()dimchannel()applychannels() and syncchannels() are now members of output, so you need to use them like:
      • epochtime(): now returns number of seconds since 1.1.1970 UTC, as the name suggests, no longer days. Use epochdays() instead.
      • setfield() and setelement() are no longer available, no need for these any more, just use obj.field = value or obj[index] = value notations for setting object fields or array elements.
      • try/catch has a new syntax for handling the error - no longer use error() function, but use try {...} catch as errorvariable { ... } instead.
      • scriptloglevel(), earlyresult(), copy() and switchcontext() are no longer available.
      • oncondition variable in trigger expressions is no longer available.
    • There are and wil be a lot of new possibilities using the new p44script architecture. However for now, the focus is on evaluators and triggers working the same as before.
    • If you are adventurous, you can use the new full screen code editor for editing trigger actions, and have a look into the script reference to get an idea what the p44script engine can do. If you are very adventurous, you can even try the new script features - on your own risk (backup your config before...) using the repl.html page...

Other important recent changes

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects). (testing)
released 2020-07-01

Changes in

  • Evaluators: now write a more informative log line when state changes, including the values involved and indicating if the change was triggered by timing or immediate input value changes.
  • Web-UI: Fixed regression in Some dialogs that should stay open (e.g. update, restart progress) could be closed by clicking outside.
  • Timezone support: dialog did not show currently set timezone. Clock now shows time in time zone of the device (was always time zone of the browser before)
  • Webserver: now based on civetweb v1.12, which fixes a socket leak when accessing the Web-UI with a https request that fails due to SSL level errors. When polling the Web-UI constantly, over time the leak could lead to out-of-memory resulting in device becoming very slow. 

Changes in

  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • Web-UI: Open device info dialog with shift held down to get logleveloffset controls.
  • Web-UI: fixed long-standing annoying JQMobile problem that caused open dialogs to scroll instead of accepting the first button clicked.
  • Web-UI: all dialogs can now be dismissed with Esc key or by clicking ouside of the dialog. 
  • evaluators: result of on-condition is now available in off-condition as oncondition variable to simplify specifying mostly inverse off-conditions.
  • expressions: now can use logloglevel and logleveloffset functions for debugging. To use these null-returning side-effect-only functions and still produce a expression result, lastarg can be used.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects).

Changes in

  • sensor RRDB: improved case of sensors with infrequent changes
  • logging: "logleveloffset" vdc method to elevate or reduce logging per device or per behaviour.
  • vdc API: string channels
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3
  • platform: fix UART1 + UART2 in device tree

Changes in

  • platform: now based on OpenWrt 19.07.2
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • optimizer: keep statistics valid even when devices starts with no or different NTP time. Some more logging when creating native scenes/groups.
  • scripts: added modulo operator (%) and epochtime() function

Other recent features:

  • Sensors+Inputs: now push of sensor values to vdsm/dSS are shown in Level 5 log to help debugging sensor value processing issues.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-04 communication interval reduced from 20 to 10min
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-06 self-powered heating valve
  • EnOcean: support for notion sensors that only signal "motion", but not "no motion" (profile variant, e.g. for Eltako TF-BSB)
  • Expressions: all expressions can now access global variables.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2020-06-18

Changes in

  • logging: per device/vdc/script logleveloffset now allows silencing noisy devices or focusing on devices of interest for support and debugging.
  • Web-UI: Open device info dialog with shift held down to get logleveloffset controls.
  • Web-UI: fixed long-standing annoying JQMobile problem that caused open dialogs to scroll instead of accepting the first button clicked.
  • Web-UI: all dialogs can now be dismissed with Esc key or by clicking ouside of the dialog. 
  • evaluators: result of on-condition is now available in off-condition as oncondition variable to simplify specifying mostly inverse off-conditions.
  • expressions: now can use logloglevel and logleveloffset functions for debugging. To use these null-returning side-effect-only functions and still produce a expression result, lastarg can be used.
  • Removed: the experimental sparkiodevice is no longer available. Note that the only sparkiodevice has been a WS2812 based torch simulation light, which is now available as a ledchaindevice option (among many other effects).
  • P44-DSB-X only: DMX/ola users please note: due to yet-to-be-resolved build problems with ola on OpenWrt 19.07, this version does not contain ola. So please do not install it if you depend on ola/DMX.
  • sensor RRDB: improved case of sensors with infrequent changes
  • logging: "logleveloffset" vdc method to elevate or reduce logging per device or per behaviour.
  • vdc API: string channels
  • platform: update to OpenWrt 19.07.3

Changes in

  • platform: now based on OpenWrt 19.07
  • filesystem: changed to squashfs+f2fs overlay
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • optimizer: keep statistics valid even when devices starts with no or different NTP time. Some more logging when creating native scenes/groups.
  • scripts: added modulo operator (%) and epochtime() function

Other recent features:

  • Sensors+Inputs: now push of sensor values to vdsm/dSS are shown in Level 5 log to help debugging sensor value processing issues.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-04 communication interval reduced from 20 to 10min
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-06 self-powered heating valve
  • EnOcean: support for notion sensors that only signal "motion", but not "no motion" (profile variant, e.g. for Eltako TF-BSB)
  • Expressions: all expressions can now access global variables.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2020-05-10

Changes in

  • platform: now based on OpenWrt 19.07
  • filesystem: changed to squashfs+f2fs overlay
  • hue: fix problem with manually specified hue bridge url/IP, did not work in some cases.
  • optimizer: keep statistics valid even when devices starts with no or different NTP time. Some more logging when creating native scenes/groups.
  • scripts: added modulo operator (%) and epochtime() function

Other recent features:

  • Sensors+Inputs: now push of sensor values to vdsm/dSS are shown in Level 5 log to help debugging sensor value processing issues.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-04 communication interval reduced from 20 to 10min
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-06 self-powered heating valve
  • EnOcean: support for notion sensors that only signal "motion", but not "no motion" (profile variant, e.g. for Eltako TF-BSB)
  • Expressions: all expressions can now access global variables.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2020-01-31

Changes in

  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-04 communication interval reduced from 20 to 10min
  • Sensors+Inputs: now push of sensor values to vdsm/dSS are shown in Level 5 log to help debugging sensor value processing issues.
  • hue: hue device info now shows actual vendor name of the individual light, no longer just the bridge's vendor.
  • hue: better logging, some workaround refinements for ill-behaving third-party lights.

Other recent features:

  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-06 self-powered heating valve
  • EnOcean: support for notion sensors that only signal "motion", but not "no motion" (profile variant, e.g. for Eltako TF-BSB)
  • Platform: now based on Openwrt 18.06.5
  • Expressions: all expressions can now access global variables.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 
  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.
  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-12-05

Changes in

  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-06 self-powered heating valve
  • EnOcean: support for notion sensors that only signal "motion", but not "no motion" (profile variant, e.g. for Eltako TF-BSB)
  • EnOcean: fix for saving state for encrypted buttons, avoid need to press button multiple times after a restart before it gets recognized again.
  • Platform: now based on Openwrt 18.06.5
  • Internal/vDC API: output channels can now have can now have enumeration descriptions 

Changes in

  • Scripts: larger text fields for editing, built-in short reference page.
  • Expressions: all expressions can now access global variables.
  • Expressions: fix precedence of logical AND over logical OR.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 

Changes in

  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.

Changes in

  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • Hue: workaround for unreliable third-party lights

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix list of available configurations for A5-04-01/02 devices.
  • Transition times: fixed bugs, now works better also with optimized hue lights.

Changes in

  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • Scripts/Expressions: bugfixes, improved error display, timed expressions now track change of real time (NTP updates, TZ changes).

Other recent features:

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-11-13

Changes in

  • Scripts: larger text fields for editing, built-in short reference page.
  • Expressions: all expressions can now access global variables.
  • Expressions: fix precedence of logical AND over logical OR.
  • Web-UI: support for setting geographic location (for sunrise/sunset calculations) and time zone. 

Changes in

  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.

Changes in

  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • Hue: workaround for unreliable third-party lights

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix list of available configurations for A5-04-01/02 devices.
  • Transition times: fixed bugs, now works better also with optimized hue lights.

Changes in

  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • Scripts/Expressions: bugfixes, improved error display, timed expressions now track change of real time (NTP updates, TZ changes).

Other recent features:

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-10-02

Changes in

  • vdc visibility in digitalSTROM: the web-UI now offers an option to hide vdcs which have no devices in digitalSTROM configurator. Note that you need to delete the greyed-out vdcs in the configurator after hiding a vdc that was previously visible.

Changes in

  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • Hue: workaround for unreliable third-party lights

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix list of available configurations for A5-04-01/02 devices.
  • Transition times: fixed bugs, now works better also with optimized hue lights.

Changes in

  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • Scripts/Expressions: bugfixes, improved error display, timed expressions now track change of real time (NTP updates, TZ changes).

Other recent features:

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.
  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-09-23

Changes in

  • EnOcean: support for D2-03-0A single button
  • Hue: workaround for unreliable third-party lights
  • LED Chains: --ledchain now can be used to map multiple areas onto the same chain (same driver name)  (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix list of available configurations for A5-04-01/02 devices.
  • Transition times: fixed bugs, now works better also with optimized hue lights.
  • LED Chains+Matrices: all p44lrgraphics views can be used to compose lights, including game-of-life, torch, PNG images... (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • Scripts/Expressions: bugfixes, improved error display, timed expressions now track change of real time (NTP updates, TZ changes).

Changes in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • LED Chains+Matrices: feature light with position, zoom, rotation, linear/radial gradients for brightness, hue and saturation (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.

Other recent features:

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-09-12

Changes in

  • EnOcean: fix list of available configurations for A5-04-01/02 devices.
  • Transition times: fixed bugs, now works better also with optimized hue lights.
  • LED Chains+Matrices: all p44lrgraphics views can be used to compose lights, including game-of-life, torch, PNG images... (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • Scripts/Expressions: bugfixes, improved error display, timed expressions now track change of real time (NTP updates, TZ changes).

Changes in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • LED Chains+Matrices: feature light with position, zoom, rotation, linear/radial gradients for brightness, hue and saturation (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.

Other recent features:

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-09-03

Note: this is a release candidate for the 2.0.4 production release

Changes in

  • hue: A recent hue bridge firmware update has changed the signature ("Philips" replaced by "Signify"). This prevents updated hue bridges to get recognized with P44-DSB versions before
  • Scripts/Expressions: bugfixes, improved error display, timed expressions now track change of real time (NTP updates, TZ changes).

Changes in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • LED Chains+Matrices: feature light with position, zoom, rotation, linear/radial gradients for brightness, hue and saturation (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.

Other recent features:

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-08-22

Changes in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-14-30 Smoke/Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • Scene Scripts: scenes can now have scene scripts, triggered by scene effect 6
  • LED Chains+Matrices: feature light with position, zoom, rotation, linear/radial gradients for brightness, hue and saturation (P44-DSB-X only)

Changes in

  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.

Other recent features:

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-08-14

Changes in

  • Evaluators: completely rewritten the expression evaluation code, now is a fully functional script engine.
    This means:
    • Please check your evaluators for correct operation. There might be bugs as this is a lot of brand new code ;-)
    • Evaluator Actions no longer use the strange "cmd:action" syntax, but can now be specified in a full-featured script language, including if/elsewhile/break/continuereturn, local variables and more. The existing actions are automatically converted to the new script syntax on first use.
    • In the web-UI, when editing/checking expressions, in case of errors the cursor is positioned at the error location in the input field.
    • Expressions now can include a lot of function calls, in particular is_timeafter_time and between_dates to specify time-based triggers.

Other recent features:

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking red/yellow 4 times.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-06-26

Note: this is a release candidate for the 2.0.2 production release

Changes since

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: now the P44-DSB device itself can be identified from the dSS, by clicking on the lightbulb "identify" button causing the P44-DSB LED blinking 4 times.
  • Optimizer for hue: improved handling of bridge errors when deleting old scenes to make room for new ones.
  • Web-UI: log display: new "stats" button/link prints some momentary statistics into the log, such as optimizer state.
  • vDC API: genericRequest now also allows sending notifications (when methodname param of genericRequest is a valid notification name). This makes the API compatible with the somewhat inaccurately specified "identity" call for vdcs via genericRequest.

Other recent new features:

  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).
  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-06-14

Note: this is a release candidate for the 2.0.2 production release

Changes since

  • Identify from dSS Configurator: made work again (regression in dSS 1.16.0, devices now need to have "identification" model feature, added this to all lights and shade devices)
  • WebUI: identify and learn operations are abortable again (regression in
  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).

Changes since

  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-05-30

Changes since

  • EnOcean: support for A5-3F-7F (manufacturer specific) for SR65 3AI (Thermokon 3*0..10V input).

Changes since

  • Option for persistent outputs: if enabled (vdchost level property) output state changes will be saved and when device is restarted, re-applied to the hardware. (testing)
released 2019-04-01

Note: this is a release candidate for the 2.0.1 production release

Changes since

  • EnOcean: Support for A5-04-03 10bit temperature + 8bit humidity sensor.
  • EnOcean: Multisensor Window Handle (D2-06-xx): Buttons now also work in "dimming" (press-and-hold) mode.
  • EnOcean: Now detects out-of-order A5-13-xx weather station, fixed false sensor timeouts that could happen when multiple measurements did not change for some time.
  • EnOcean: bug fix in secure teach-in, did affect e.g. A5-14-xx window contacts supporting encryption.
  • EnOcean: FAH60 variant of A5-06-01 profile has no supply voltage sensor.
  • ELDAT: support for window contacts and window handles
  • WebUI: fixed problem with setting fixed hue bridge address.
  • WebUI: should no longer hang/time out even with many devices responding slowly to connection test.

New Features in Version 2.0:

  • hue: Scene+Dimming Optimizer can now can now automatically use native hue scenes and groups. For hue, the main benefit is that scene/group calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). The optimizer can be enabled in the hue-vdc info dialog.
  • Web UI: new colored column for operational state (radio strength, errors, reachability etc.) at a glance. Number of devices for each vDC is visible in the icon column.
  • Web UI: device list can be sorted by clicking on column header.
  • Web UI: not responding devices are now shown greyed out in device list (like in dSS)
  • Web UI: refreshed look, more responsive (works even on small phone screens now), more compatible with different browsers.
  • EnOcean: now supports secure pairing with PT215 based buttons.
  • EnOcean: new profiles supported:  
    • D2-01-xx: electronic switches and dimmers (actors)
    • D2-32-xx: AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
    • F6-01-01: single button
    • F6-05-00: wind speed threshold detector
  • Evaluators: now support functions (abs, round, if, ifvalid, testlater) and can access sensor's age, validity and operation state.
  • Evaluators: now run a initial evaluation after start and when expressions are modified. The initial function can test for this to provide default values.
  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators can now also be used to calculate a virtual sensor value (e.g. a total wattage from 3 current sensors etc.). 
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can trigger an external action via http(s) GET/POST/PUT.


  • Device LEDs: the LEDs of the P44-DSB-E now work like for the other P44-DSB models (DEH, E2, DEH2): In normal operation only the green LED is constantly lit. In addition, the red LED flashes shortly to indicate activity. If only the red LED is on or blinking, this indicates a error or warning.
  • EnOcean: upside down option for A5-14-09/0A window handle profiles.
  • EnOcean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now reports short wind spikes as separate gust sensor.
  • Sensor handling: sensors value processing is now adapted to the sensor type to ensure timely updates while still avoiding too many sensor events overloading the dSS.
  • Connection to dSS: made more resilient in case of occasional network problems.
  • and numerous other detail improvements.


  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Fixed prophylaxis runs for A5-20-04 profile
  • and many other smaller bugfixes. (testing)
released 2019-03-11

Changes since

  • ELDAT: support for window contacts and window handles.

Changes since

  • Platform: now based on OpenWrt 18.06.2
  • WebUI: should no longer hang/time out even with many devices responding slowly to connection test.
  • EnOcean: fixed: FAH60 variant of A5-06-01 profile has no supply voltage sensor.

Changes since

  • EnOcean: Now detects out-of-order A5-13-xx weather station
  • EnOcean: Multisensor Window Handle (D2-06-xx): Buttons now also work in "dimming" (press-and-hold) mode.
  • EnOcean: bug fix in secure teach-in, did affect e.g. A5-14-xx window contacts supporting encryption.
  • EnOcean: Wheater station: fixed false sensor timeouts that could happen when multiple measurements did not change for some time.

New Features in Version 2.0:

  • hue: Scene+Dimming Optimizer can now can now automatically use native hue scenes and groups. For hue, the main benefit is that scene/group calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). The optimizer can be enabled in the hue-vdc info dialog.
  • Web UI: new colored column for operational state (radio strength, errors, reachability etc.) at a glance. Number of devices for each vDC is visible in the icon column.
  • Web UI: device list can be sorted by clicking on column header.
  • Web UI: not responding devices are now shown greyed out in device list (like in dSS)
  • Web UI: refreshed look, more responsive (works even on small phone screens now), more compatible with different browsers.
  • EnOcean: now supports secure pairing with PT215 based buttons.
  • EnOcean: new profiles supported: 
    • D2-01-xx: electronic switches and dimmers (actors)
    • D2-32-xx: AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
    • F6-01-01: single button
    • F6-05-00: wind speed threshold detector
  • Evaluators: now support functions (abs, round, if, ifvalid, testlater) and can access sensor's age, validity and operation state.
  • Evaluators: now run a initial evaluation after start and when expressions are modified. The initial function can test for this to provide default values.
  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators can now also be used to calculate a virtual sensor value (e.g. a total wattage from 3 current sensors etc.). 
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can trigger an external action via http(s) GET/POST/PUT.


  • Device LEDs: the LEDs of the P44-DSB-E now work like for the other P44-DSB models (DEH, E2, DEH2): In normal operation only the green LED is constantly lit. In addition, the red LED flashes shortly to indicate activity. If only the red LED is on or blinking, this indicates a error or warning.
  • EnOcean: upside down option for A5-14-09/0A window handle profiles.
  • EnOcean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now reports short wind spikes as separate gust sensor.
  • Sensor handling: sensors value processing is now adapted to the sensor type to ensure timely updates while still avoiding too many sensor events overloading the dSS.
  • Connection to dSS: made more resilient in case of occasional network problems.
  • and numerous other detail improvements.


  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Fixed prophylaxis runs for A5-20-04 profile
  • and many other smaller bugfixes. (testing)
released 2019-03-04

Changes since

  • Platform: now based on OpenWrt 18.06.2
  • WebUI: should no longer hang/time out even with many devices responding slowly to connection test.
  • EnOcean: fixed: FAH60 variant of A5-06-01 profile has no supply voltage sensor.

Changes since

  • EnOcean: Now detects out-of-order A5-13-xx weather station
  • EnOcean: Multisensor Window Handle (D2-06-xx): Buttons now also work in "dimming" (press-and-hold) mode.
  • EnOcean: bug fix in secure teach-in, did affect e.g. A5-14-xx window contacts supporting encryption.
  • EnOcean: Wheater station: fixed false sensor timeouts that could happen when multiple measurements did not change for some time.

New Features in Version 2.0:

  • hue: Scene+Dimming Optimizer can now can now automatically use native hue scenes and groups. For hue, the main benefit is that scene/group calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). The optimizer can be enabled in the hue-vdc info dialog.
  • Web UI: new colored column for operational state (radio strength, errors, reachability etc.) at a glance. Number of devices for each vDC is visible in the icon column.
  • Web UI: device list can be sorted by clicking on column header.
  • Web UI: not responding devices are now shown greyed out in device list (like in dSS)
  • Web UI: refreshed look, more responsive (works even on small phone screens now), more compatible with different browsers.
  • EnOcean: now supports secure pairing with PT215 based buttons.
  • EnOcean: new profiles supported: 
    • D2-01-xx: electronic switches and dimmers (actors)
    • D2-32-xx: AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
    • F6-01-01: single button
    • F6-05-00: wind speed threshold detector
  • Evaluators: now support functions (abs, round, if, ifvalid, testlater) and can access sensor's age, validity and operation state.
  • Evaluators: now run a initial evaluation after start and when expressions are modified. The initial function can test for this to provide default values.
  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators can now also be used to calculate a virtual sensor value (e.g. a total wattage from 3 current sensors etc.). 
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can trigger an external action via http(s) GET/POST/PUT.


  • Device LEDs: the LEDs of the P44-DSB-E now work like for the other P44-DSB models (DEH, E2, DEH2): In normal operation only the green LED is constantly lit. In addition, the red LED flashes shortly to indicate activity. If only the red LED is on or blinking, this indicates a error or warning.
  • EnOcean: upside down option for A5-14-09/0A window handle profiles.
  • EnOcean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now reports short wind spikes as separate gust sensor.
  • Sensor handling: sensors value processing is now adapted to the sensor type to ensure timely updates while still avoiding too many sensor events overloading the dSS.
  • Connection to dSS: made more resilient in case of occasional network problems.
  • and numerous other detail improvements.


  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Fixed prophylaxis runs for A5-20-04 profile
  • and many other smaller bugfixes. (testing)
released 2019-02-08

Changes since

  • EnOcean: Now detects out-of-order A5-13-xx weather station
  • EnOcean: Multisensor Window Handle (D2-06-xx): Buttons now also work in "dimming" (press-and-hold) mode.
  • EnOcean: bug fix in secure teach-in, did affect e.g. A5-14-xx window contacts supporting encryption.
  • EnOcean: Wheater station: fixed false sensor timeouts that could happen when multiple measurements did not change for some time.

New Features in Version 2.0:

  • hue: Scene+Dimming Optimizer can now can now automatically use native hue scenes and groups. For hue, the main benefit is that scene/group calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). The optimizer can be enabled in the hue-vdc info dialog.
  • Web UI: new colored column for operational state (radio strength, errors, reachability etc.) at a glance. Number of devices for each vDC is visible in the icon column.
  • Web UI: device list can be sorted by clicking on column header.
  • Web UI: not responding devices are now shown greyed out in device list (like in dSS)
  • Web UI: refreshed look, more responsive (works even on small phone screens now), more compatible with different browsers.
  • EnOcean: now supports secure pairing with PT215 based buttons.
  • EnOcean: new profiles supported: 
    • D2-01-xx: electronic switches and dimmers (actors)
    • D2-32-xx: AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
    • F6-01-01: single button
    • F6-05-00: wind speed threshold detector
  • Evaluators: now support functions (abs, round, if, ifvalid, testlater) and can access sensor's age, validity and operation state.
  • Evaluators: now run a initial evaluation after start and when expressions are modified. The initial function can test for this to provide default values.
  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators can now also be used to calculate a virtual sensor value (e.g. a total wattage from 3 current sensors etc.). 
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can trigger an external action via http(s) GET/POST/PUT.


  • EnOcean: upside down option for A5-14-09/0A window handle profiles.
  • EnOcean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now reports short wind spikes as separate gust sensor.
  • Sensor handling: sensors value processing is now adapted to the sensor type to ensure timely updates while still avoiding too many sensor events overloading the dSS.
  • Connection to dSS: made more resilient in case of occasional network problems.
  • and numerous other detail improvements.


  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Fixed prophylaxis runs for A5-20-04 profile
  • and many other smaller bugfixes. (testing)
released 2019-01-13

Changes since

  • EnOcean: Multisensor Window Handle (D2-06-xx): Buttons now also work in "dimming" (press-and-hold) mode.
  • EnOcean: bug fix in secure teach-in, did affect e.g. A5-14-xx window contacts supporting encryption.
  • EnOcean: Wheater station: fixed false sensor timeouts that could happen when multiple measurements did not change for some time.

New Features in Version 2.0:

  • hue: Scene+Dimming Optimizer can now can now automatically use native hue scenes and groups. For hue, the main benefit is that scene/group calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). The optimizer can be enabled in the hue-vdc info dialog.
  • Web UI: new colored column for operational state (radio strength, errors, reachability etc.) at a glance. Number of devices for each vDC is visible in the icon column.
  • Web UI: device list can be sorted by clicking on column header.
  • Web UI: not responding devices are now shown greyed out in device list (like in dSS)
  • Web UI: refreshed look, more responsive (works even on small phone screens now), more compatible with different browsers.
  • EnOcean: now supports secure pairing with PT215 based buttons.
  • EnOcean: new profiles supported: 
    • D2-01-xx: electronic switches and dimmers (actors)
    • D2-32-xx: AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
    • F6-01-01: single button
    • F6-05-00: wind speed threshold detector
  • Evaluators: now support functions (abs, round, if, ifvalid, testlater) and can access sensor's age, validity and operation state.
  • Evaluators: now run a initial evaluation after start and when expressions are modified. The initial function can test for this to provide default values.
  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators can now also be used to calculate a virtual sensor value (e.g. a total wattage from 3 current sensors etc.). 
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can trigger an external action via http(s) GET/POST/PUT.


  • Device LEDs: the LEDs of the P44-DSB-E now work like for the other P44-DSB models (DEH, E2, DEH2): In normal operation only the green LED is constantly lit. In addition, the red LED flashes shortly to indicate activity. If only the red LED is on or blinking, this indicates a error or warning.
  • EnOcean: upside down option for A5-14-09/0A window handle profiles.
  • EnOcean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now reports short wind spikes as separate gust sensor.
  • Sensor handling: sensors value processing is now adapted to the sensor type to ensure timely updates while still avoiding too many sensor events overloading the dSS.
  • Connection to dSS: made more resilient in case of occasional network problems.
  • and numerous other detail improvements.


  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Fixed prophylaxis runs for A5-20-04 profile
  • and many other smaller bugfixes. (testing)
released 2018-11-26

First release candidate for 2.0:

General Recommendation for updates: before updating, please always use the "Download configuration backup" button to download a backup of you device's configuration.

Important Note: This 2.0 version of P44-DSB is not compatible with dSS versions before 1.14. So please make sure your dSS version is 1.14 or newer before upgrading.

New Features in Version 2.0:

  • hue: Scene+Dimming Optimizer can now can now automatically use native hue scenes and groups. For hue, the main benefit is that scene/group calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). The optimizer can be enabled in the DALI-vdc info dialog.
  • Web UI: new colored column for operational state (radio strength, errors, reachability etc.) at a glance. Number of devices for each vDC is visible in the icon column.
  • Web UI: device list can be sorted by clicking on column header.
  • Web UI: not responding devices are now shown greyed out in device list.
  • Web UI: slightly refreshed look, more responsive (works even on small phone screens now), more compatible with different browsers.
  • EnOcean: now supports secure pairing with PT215 based buttons (early P44-DSB-DEH units may not support it due to old EnOcean modem).
  • EnOcean: new profiles supported: 
    • D2-01-xx: electronic switches and dimmers (actors)
    • D2-32-xx: AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
    • F6-01-01: single button
    • F6-05-00: wind speed threshold detector
  • Evaluators: now support functions (abs, round, if, ifvalid, testlater) and can access sensor's age, validity and operation state.
  • Evaluators: now run a initial evaluation after start and when expressions are modified. The initial function can test for this to provide default values.
  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators can now also be used to calculate a virtual sensor value (e.g. a total wattage from 3 current sensors etc.). 
  • Evaluators: internal action evaluators can trigger an external action via http(s) GET/POST/PUT.


  • EnOcean: upside down option for A5-14-09/0A window handle profiles.
  • EnOcean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now reports short wind spikes as separate gust sensor.
  • Sensor handling: sensors value processing is now adapted to the sensor type to ensure timely updates while still avoiding too many sensor events overloading the dSS.
  • Connection to dSS: made more resilient in case of occasional network problems.
  • Platform: The P44-DSB-E is now based on OpenWrt (up to 1.9, it was Minibian/Raspian). OpenWrt is a very compact linux distribution targeted at 24/7 running network devices and thus ideally suited for the P44-DSB-E. 
  • and numerous other detail improvements.


  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Fixed prophylaxis runs for A5-20-04 profile
  • and many other smaller bugfixes. (testing)
released 2018-11-16

New in

  • Bugfix: changing web password did not always work
  • Bugfix: hue optimizer did not always work due to too long scene names
  • WebUI: global vDC errors (such as radio modules not answering) are now shown in the vDC's "status" column.
  • Remote access: web access only possible when a unique password was set.
  • External device API: bugfix for "active", must not return error.

New in

  • Sensors: made sure that even slow reporting sensors with unchanged value do not cause dSS-side timeouts.
  • External device API: device implementation can control "active" (presence) state of the device.
  • EnOcean: Support for D2-01-xx profile familiy ("Electronic Switches and Dimmers with local control").
  • vDC API: support for "active" property (formerly "present").
  • vDC API: SO_KEEPALIVE should make sure no stale connections are kept around too long any more.
  • WebUI: sensor value age in inputs dialog is now displayed in days/hours/minutes/seconds as needed and not just as seconds.
  • WebUI: Fixed tweak WebUI and property tree display (broken in
  • WebUI: Updated JQM, refreshed look, works better on small screens (responsive).
  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-11-09

New in

  • Sensors: made sure that even slow reporting sensors with unchanged value do not cause dSS-side timeouts.
  • External device API: device implementation can control "active" (presence) state of the device.

New in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-01-xx profile familiy ("Electronic Switches and Dimmers with local control").
  • vDC API: support for "active" property (formerly "present").
  • vDC API: SO_KEEPALIVE should make sure no stale connections are kept around too long any more.
  • WebUI: sensor value age in inputs dialog is now displayed in days/hours/minutes/seconds as needed and not just as seconds.
  • WebUI: Fixed tweak WebUI and property tree display (broken in
  • WebUI: Updated JQM, refreshed look, works better on small screens (responsive).
  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-11-08

New in

  • vDC API: fixed push of "active" property
  • WebUI: sensor value age in inputs dialog is now displayed in days/hours/minutes/seconds as needed and not just as seconds.

New in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-01-xx profile familiy ("Electronic Switches and Dimmers with local control").
  • vDC API: support for "active" property (formerly "present").
  • vDC API: SO_KEEPALIVE should make sure no stale connections are kept around too long any more.
  • WebUI: Fixed tweak WebUI and property tree display (broken in
  • WebUI: Updated JQM, refreshed look, works better on small screens (responsive).
  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-10-17

New in

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-01-xx profile familiy ("Electronic Switches and Dimmers with local control").
  • vDC API: support for "active" property (formerly "present").
  • vDC API: SO_KEEPALIVE should make sure no stale connections are kept around too long any more.

New in

  • WebUI: Fixed tweak WebUI and property tree display (broken in
  • WebUI: Updated JQM, refreshed look, works better on small screens (responsive).
  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-09-29

New in

  • WebUI: Fixed tweak WebUI and property tree display (broken in

New in

  • WebUI: Updated JQM, refreshed look, works better on small screens (responsive).

New in

  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-09-24

New in

  • WebUI: Updated JQM, refreshed look, works better on small screens (responsive).

New in

  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-08-30

New in 1.9.6.x_testing:

  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-08-27

New in

  • Platform: Now using OpenWrt 18.06.1.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-07-16

New features in

  • Web-UI: Small but useful addition: for each vDC (device type), the number of devices is shown next to the vDC icon.

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • Evaluators: added new "internal action" type, which can call http URLs for external logging/triggering.
  • Enocean Security: now supports secure/encrypted communicationwith PTM215 based rockers/buttons. Note: only works with newer EnOcean modem firmwares (see hardware version: should be at least: / 2.7.x.x/2.4.x.x).
    New buttons can be learned in securely directly using the secure teach-in method (see user manual for PTM215: remove rocker, press both up/down contacts and then click).
    Already connected buttons can be converted to secure communication just by making the button send a secure teach-in (w/o learn mode in P44-DSB!).
    Note: Securely connected buttons cannot be downgraded to non-secure again without deleting them first from the P44-DSB.
  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
    Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations.
    Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-07-04

New feature since

  • Evaluators: are now evaluated once without applying trigger delays at startup and when changing conditions via the web-UI. If needed, this special initial evaluation can be detected in expressions using the initial() function. These changes allow creating evaluators with default values, e.g if(initial(), _defaultvalue_, _normalvalue_).
  • Enocean Security: now supports secure/encrypted communicationwith PTM215 based rockers/buttons. Note: only works with newer EnOcean modem firmwares (see hardware version: should be at least: / 2.7.x.x/2.4.x.x).
    New buttons can be learned in securely directly using the secure teach-in method (see user manual for PTM215: remove rocker, press both up/down contacts and then click).
    Already connected buttons can be converted to secure communication just by making the button send a secure teach-in (w/o learn mode in P44-DSB!).
    Note: Securely connected buttons cannot be downgraded to non-secure again without deleting them first from the P44-DSB.

Changes since

  • Heating Valves: should now work correctly not only in room temperature control group (48), but also in heating group with standard scene calls. 

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-06-22

New feature since

  • Enocean Security: now supports secure/encrypted communicationwith PTM215 based rockers/buttons. Note: only works with newer EnOcean modem firmwares (see hardware version: should be at least: / 2.7.x.x/2.4.x.x).
    New buttons can be learned in securely directly using the secure teach-in method (see user manual for PTM215: remove rocker, press both up/down contacts and then click).
    Already connected buttons can be converted to secure communication just by making the button send a secure teach-in (w/o learn mode in P44-DSB!).
    Note: Securely connected buttons cannot be downgraded to non-secure again without deleting them first from the P44-DSB.

Changes since

  • Heating Valves: should now work correctly not only in room temperature control group (48), but also in heating group with standard scene calls. 

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-06-19

Changes since

  • Heating Valves: should now work correctly not only in room temperature control group (48), but also in heating group with standard scene calls. 

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-06-12

Changes since

  • vDC API: device and vDCs now have "present" property.
  • FCU device: now support "forced off" state with auto-wake for building protection.
  • Web-UI: devices that are known, but currently offline (not "present") will now be greyed out, similar to dSS. 
  • Sensors: gust speed will now trigger SOD push only on increasing delta, and when delta is >=0.1m/s, but does not have a minimum trigger value (formerly 5m/s).
  • Evaluators: added new "internal action" type, which can call http URLs for external logging/triggering.
  • RRD graphs: will now use correct MAX/MIN consolidation function for sensors that have a max/min filter function. Also added more granular graphing time intervals to Web-UI.

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-06-06

Changes since

  • vDC API: device and vDCs now have "present" property.
  • FCU device: now support "forced off" state with auto-wake for building protection.
  • Web-UI: devices that are known, but currently offline (not "present") will now be greyed out, similar to dSS. 
  • Sensors: gust speed will now trigger SOD push only on increasing delta, and when delta is >=0.1m/s, but does not have a minimum trigger value (formerly 5m/s).
  • RRD graphs: will now use correct MAX/MIN consolidation function for sensors that have a max/min filter function. Also added more granular graphing time intervals to Web-UI.

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-06-01

Changes since

  • vDC API: device and vDCs now have "present" property.
  • FCU device: now support "forced off" state with auto-wake for building protection.
  • Web-UI: devices that are known, but currently offline (not "present") will now be greyed out, similar to dSS. 
  • RRD graphs: will now use correct MAX/MIN consolidation function for sensors that have a max/min filter function. Also added more granular graphing time intervals to Web-UI.

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-05-19

Changes since

  • Bugfix: optimized dimming stop (hue, DALI) was not precise, and lagged behind releasing the button.
  • Bugfix: dimming two areas in succession did continue dimming the first area along with the second
  • Bugfix: window handles did not always report every state change when handle was operated quickly (two state changes within less than 200mS)
  • Bugfix: rrd-logging pushed value did not work as intended. Now the diagram shows the sensor curve like the push consumer (vdSM, dSS) will see it.
  • Improvement: link to diagram for rrd-logged sensors is now immediately available after startup, not only after first new value from the sensor comes in.
  • Improvement: current state of sensors and binary inputs are now pushed to vdSM after announcement is confirmed to make sure upstream has valid state ASAP (and not only when sensor/input hardware reports next change).

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-05-16

Changes since

  • Bugfix: dimming two areas in succession did continue dimming the first area along with the second
  • Bugfix: window handles did not always report every state change when handle was operated quickly (two state changes within less than 200mS)
  • Improvement: current state of sensors and binary inputs are now pushed to vdSM after announcement is confirmed to make sure upstream has valid state ASAP (and not only when sensor/input hardware reports next change).

Main changes in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X. (testing)
released 2018-05-12

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since

  • native scene/group optimizer: more improvements. Avoid reading back light states before calling scenes when not needed (speed gain especially for hue), handle transition times correctly (but note that hue scenes cannot have different per-light transition times - slowest time defines the entire scene)
  • optimizer control: added vdc-level properties x-p44-minDevicesForOptimizing (default is 5), x-p44-minCallsBeforeOptimizing (default is 3) to tweak optimizer usage.
  • Climate+Ventilation: adjusted scene defaults to latest dS docs.
  • EnOcean valves: now support the valve open/close service scenes (32,33) 

Main change in 1.9.4.x (details see earlier release notes):

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
  • Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably). (testing)
released 2018-05-07

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since

  • native scene/group optimizer: improved - serialized requests to avoid mess when multi-click buttons cause rapid callscenes.
  • EnOcean: support for single button F6-01-01 and wind speed threshold detector F6-05-00.

Changes since

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
    Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).
  • Sensors: improved evaluation, fixed some parameters that were not yet correct (especially: gust speed)
  • Enocean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now also adds a gust speed sensor, using same raw data as wind speed, but different evaluation (max over 3 seconds) and push parameters.
  • vdsm: completely removed vdsm and all related mechanisms.
  • network connection to dSS: fixed problem with advertisement that could lead to P44-DSB no longer getting connected by dSS after temporary network problems/interruptions. (testing)
released 2018-05-01

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware no longer provides a vdsm in the P44-DSB device, which means that you need dSS 1.13 or newer to run this firmware.

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since last feature release (

  • native scene/group optimizer: Automatic optimization of scene calls and dimming operation by mapping frequently used set of affected devices and scenes to native (DALI, hue) scenes and groups.
    Note: in the P44 web-UI, vDCs capable of optimizing now have a setting for it. By default, the optimizer is disabled. You can enable it in the vDC info dialog. Set it to "auto"-mode to have the optimizer automatically detect and optimize often-used scene calls and dim operations. Please note that this is a complex feature in beta - if you experience weird light behaviour, please report to plan44 (and to restore normal operation, just switch the optimizer off again).
  • hue: can now use native hue scenes and groups for often used scene calls and dimming. For hue, the main benefit is that scene calls are more reliably forwarded to many lights (due to bugs in the hue bridge, changing many lights directly does not always work reliably).
  • vdsm: completely removed vdsm and all related mechanisms.
  • network connection to dSS: fixed problem with advertisement that could lead to P44-DSB no longer getting connected by dSS after temporary network problems/interruptions. (testing)
released 2018-04-13

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since last feature release (

  • Sensors: improved evaluation, fixed some parameters that were not yet correct (especially: gust speed)
  • Enocean: weather station profile A5-13-0x now also adds a gust speed sensor, using same raw data as wind speed, but different evaluation (max over 3 seconds) and push parameters.
  • P44-DSB-X: added plan44 openwrt package feeds for opkg
  • P44-DSB-X: tries to re-install packages listed in /flash/extra_packages after firmware upgrade (testing)
released 2018-04-05

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since last feature release (

  • EnOcean: added configuration variants for upside-down mounted window state detectors A5-14-09/0A
  • Sensors: now use type-dependent filtering and value reporting rules (according to "sensor data acquisition and distribution" document).
  • Sensors: now can be logged into a rrdtool database.
  • Evaluators: added testlater() function for triggering another evaluation at a later point in time.
  • Web-UI URL: workaround added such that it works with MS Edge (which cannot correctly access ip-host-only URLs)
  • Factory reset: fixed factory reset via USB stick, was not working any more in the new OpenWrt firmware
  • P44-DSB-X: fixed logging in via HDMI/USB console, was not working any more in the OpenWrt firmware (testing)
released 2018-03-17

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since last feature release (

  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators are now possible (a sensor that reports a calculation based on other sensor's values).
  • Evaluators: expressions now can access sensor metadata such as age (how long since last update), oplevel (how good is the operation state), valid (is a value known at all).
  • Evaluators: expressions now can use functions: abs(), round(), if(), ifvalid().
  • Evaluators: sensor names are now checked for valid characters (only A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _).
  • Sensors+Inputs: now actively time out and invalidate when hardware does not update status within the defined aliveSignInterval (for those that actually have such a guaranteed minimal update interval).
  • Web-UI: device list can now be sorted by different criteria by clicking on column headers.
  • Web-UI: now also works on narrow screens (responsive).
  • Web-UI: device list now has a column showing the operation status of devices (radio strength, low battery warning, timeout) as text and as a green to red indicator.
  • Software Version of vDCs in dSS: now not only shows P44-DSB version, but also version of bridge devices like hue bridge (in the same format as DSP version is shown for dSMs).
  • EnOcean: support for D2-32-xx AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series).
  • Binary Inputs: made sure akmsensor modelfeature is only set if first binary input has no predefined function (everything else confuses dSS).
  • Externaldevices: initvdc message now has a "name" field to allow initialising vdcs with a default name (like it was possible for devices already). init message now allows setting "modelversion" for devices.
  • Externaldevices: binary inputs can now also specify a aliveSignInterval, like sensors already did.
  • P44-DSB-X: support for MCP3008 SPI 10-bit A/D converter, general support for scaling and offsetting for analog I/O devices.
  • civetweb: prevent unauthenticated API access. (testing)
released 2018-03-09

Note: Starting with, the P44-DSB firmware is no longer based on Minibian/Raspian, but OpenWrt/LEDE. The migration happens automatically and invisibly under the hood. But technically, this is a big step so please be especially aware that this is beta software meaning there might still be bugs, so it is recommended to make a configuration backup before updating.

In particular, users of DIY P44-DSB-X installations please note that the transition to OpenWrt completely wipes out the previous OS, including all packages or other non-standard files you might have added in the process of hacking the P44-DSB-X.

Changes since last testing release (

  • Evaluators: sensor evaluators are now possible (a sensor that reports a calculation based on other sensor's values).
  • Evaluators: expressions now can access sensor metadata such as age (how long since last update), oplevel (how good is the operation state), valid (is a value known at all).
  • Evaluators: expressions now can use functions: abs(), round(), if(), ifvalid().
  • Sensors+Inputs: now actively time out and invalidate when hardware does not update status within the defined aliveSignInterval (for those that actually have such a guaranteed minimal update interval).
  • Web-UI: now also works on narrow screens (responsive).
  • Web-UI: device list now has a column showing the operation status of devices (radio strength, low battery warning, timeout) as text and as a green to red indicator.
  • Software Version of vDCs in dSS: now not only shows P44-DSB version, but also version of bridge devices like hue bridge (in the same format as DSP version is shown for dSMs).
  • EnOcean: support for D2-32-xx AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series).
  • Binary Inputs: made sure akmsensor modelfeature is only set if first binary input has no predefined function (everything else confuses dSS).
  • Externaldevices: initvdc message now has a "name" field to allow initialising vdcs with a default name (like it was possible for devices already). init message now allows setting "modelversion" for devices.
  • Externaldevices: binary inputs can now also specify a aliveSignInterval, like sensors already did.
  • P44-DSB-X: support for MCP3008 SPI 10-bit A/D converter, general support for scaling and offsetting for analog I/O devices.
  • civetweb: prevent unauthenticated API access. (testing)
released 2018-02-28

Changes since last testing release (

  • EnOcean: Support for D2-32-xx AC current clamps (Pressac CTV3 series)
  • Web-UI: added device operation status column, showing connection info such as RSSI for wireless devices.
  • P44-DSB-X: support for MCP3008 SPI 10-bit A/D converter (testing)
released 2018-02-01

Changes since last testing release (

  • EnOcean: Fixed temperature sensor reporting in D2-06-01 profile (Multifunction Window Handle)
  • EnOcean: Heating valve A5-20-04 profile now uses regular valve 100%->0%->set value cycle for prophylaxis instead of service open/close commands (because the latter would require a re-initialisation afterwards, which is not desired during normal operation).
  • Eldat: support for on/off lights and relays
  • Externaldevices: now support category field
  • InternalUsing civetweb instead of mongoose in vdcd, mg44 and p44maind. (testing)
released 2018-01-18

Changes since last testing release

  • EnOcean: Fixed F6-05-01 water sensor, did not take back the detector signal when the water detection state went back to normal.
  • DMX/OLA, LED chains, PWM outputs: improved light fading and color transitions (P44-DSB-X only) (testing)
released 2017-12-01


  • Please check for updates again after this update (a newer version might be already available but needs this version as an intermediate step)
  • Please update your dSS to version 1.14 or newer (or keep it on 1.13.6 or earlier) before installing this update! dSS 1.13.7 and 1.13.8 have issues that can make some devices appear as offline (gray).

Changes since last testing release (

  • Web-UI: fixed disappearing icons on retina (@2x) screens

Changes since last production release (

  • EnOcean: All temperature sensors now can be configured to be indoor or outdoor sensors. 
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-04 HVAC profile (Hora Smartdrive MX / Eltako TF-FKS)
  • EnOcean: support for SODA multisensor window handle D2-06-01
  • EnOcean: support for Heat Tube Extreme Line device
  • hue: support for "hue ambiance white" lights as "tunable whites"
  • Sensors: default setting for minimal push interval is now 30 seconds to avoid dS system overload with volatile sensor inputs
  • Web-UI: device list now has a status column with useful at-a-glance information, like status of evaluators, sensors, inputs, default output channel etc.
  • Web-UI: updated (self-signed) https certificate that was expired
  • Firmware Updates: signed with 4096 bit RSA key now
  • Under the hood: a lot of internal improvements and adapations to dSS 1.14 (in particular, vDC API v3). The P44-DSB producs are based on the p44vdc  framework, which is also a core component of many interesting smart device integrations you see in dSS 1.14. (testing)
released 2017-11-14
  • Climate Control Scenes: adapted to climate control scene number changes in dS system per Nov. 2017.
  • EnOcean: Fixed SmartAck learn-in for A5-20-04 HVAC profile (Hora Smartdrive MX / Eltako TF-FKS) (testing)
released 2017-10-25
  • EnOcean: support for A5-20-04 HVAC profile (Hora Smartdrive MX / Eltako TF-FKS)
  • Web-UI: updated (self-signed) https certificate that was expired
  • Internal: climate control devices now have activeCoolingMode property
  • Updates: signed with 4096 bit RSA key now (testing)
released 2017-09-26
Note: this is the same state as on P44-DSB-DEH,DEH2 and E2, but the build for the P44-DSB-E was broken and had to be reissued as
  • Lights: added support for "tunable white" lights that have only a brightness and a colortemp channel.
  • hue: support for "hue ambiance white" lights as "tunable whites"
  • EnOcean: Added support for SODA multisensor window handle D2-06-01
  • Buttons: devices with multiple buttons in one hardware device, when set to register as separate one-way buttons, now support the new combinable property which will allow to combine them to form two-way switches at the dSS level (in addtion to the options in the P44-DSB WebUI)
  • FCU behaviour: fixed modelfeatures, must not have heatingGroup.
  • Single devices: now support dynamic actions (also via external device API)
  • vDC API: support for devices with multiple configurations (such as EnOcean devices with profile variants), via setConfiguration method, configurationId and configurationDescriptions properties.
  • vDC API: better error reporting when trying to null properties that do not support it.
  • external device API: alwaysVisible option in initvdc message can be used to make sure even empty vdc is announced to the dS system. (testing)
released 2017-08-25
  • Internal: new --maxapiversion command line option to make vDC only support older APIs.
  • Internal: input behaviours now all have text ID in v3 API. No index-lookalike IDs any more.
  • Internal: new mainloop (timer+event handling)
  • Internal: website built via script, leaving out parts that do not apply for the specific product
  • Internal: v3 API channel types and names now according to latest dS specs (in ds_basics)
  • Internal: fixed v3 API behaviour state push, was only working with v2
  • Internal: climate control now has correct defaults for scenes 40,41,42
  • Sensors: default setting for minimal push interval is now 30 seconds (used to be 2 seconds, which could put heavy load on a dS system when a sensor actually delivered changes that rapidly. Does not happen with EnOcean sensors, but with some external device API sensors)
  • EnOcean: added workaround for Heat Tube device FW problem (needs to send switch-on command twice to get correct level)
  • External device API: can now specify "configurl" to link external Web-UIs into configurator. (testing)
released 2017-06-29
  • Internal: supports vDC API v3 (in addition to v2)
  • EnOcean: support for Heat Tube device (experimental) 
  • EnOcean: All temperature sensors now can be configured to be indoor or outdoor sensors. 
  • Web-UI: device list now has a status column with useful at-a-glance information, like status of evaluators, sensors, inputs, default output channel etc.
  • Bugfix: myStrom devices did not work properly any more (probably only with latest myStrom firmware) (testing)
released 2017-06-07
  • New: All EnOcean temperature sensors now can be configured to be indoor or outdoor sensors. 
  • Improvements: device list in Web-UI now has a status column with useful at-a-glance information, like status of evaluators, sensors, inputs, default output channel etc.
  • Bugfix: myStrom devices did not work properly any more (probably only with latest myStrom firmware) (testing)
released 2017-05-19
Second release candiate for 1.8
  • Bugfix: hue bridge could not be learned out
  • Improvements: Web-UI displays device and vdc properties more nicely and now shows version (usually hardware device's firmware version, e.g. for hue) (testing)
released 2017-05-11
First release candiate for 1.8
  • Bugfix: auxiliary vdsm start delay should now work (should not start immediately after master vdsm disappears, but later to allow a dSS restart without going to auxvdsm in between) (testing)
released 2017-04-29
  • New: Added EnOcean A5-14-xx multifunctions sensors (e.g. EiMSIG)
  • New: Added supply voltage sensors for EnOcean profiles that have it.
  • New: Added support for Eltako FAH60 variant for A5-06-01 EnOcean profile.
  • New: Added EnOcean A5-30-03 profile for Afriso water sensor
  • Improved: Sensor display in Web-UI now shows (SI) units
  • Network: Removed some IGMPv2 activity that could help establishing connections in some networks, but turned out to cause problems with some TV streaming solutions in other networks. 
  • Changed: A5-13-07 Wind sensor: max speed now reported as gust speed
  • Bugfix: Device LED did not work correctly when doing a factory reset using the device button (as described in the FAQ). (testing)
released 2017-03-31
  • Improvementhue bridge is now identified by MAC address in the Web-UI, because that is the information also printed on the bridge hardware.
  • Improvement: Default for "slow" light transitions is now 1minute, as with standard dS Light terminal blocks. (testing)
released 2017-03-17
  • New: hue bridge IP address (or hue API URL, eg. for third party bridges like deCONZ) can now be specified manually. This might help in networs where SSDP discovery does not work reliably due to IPv4 multicast forwarding issues.
  • Improvement: now remembers hue bridge IP address and only uses SSDP re-disovery when the remembered address is no longer valid. This stabilizes access to hue in networks with malfunctioning IPv4 Multicast.
  • Improvement: Better handling of cases when one vdc cannot initialize correctly, but others are ok. Before, the P44-DSB could not complete startup, now it will start up just without the failing vdc.
  • Bugfix: Enocean profile A5-02-20 and A5-02-30 delivered wrong values. (testing)
released 2017-03-03
  • New: EnOcean weather station (A5-13-01/02/03) now has a profile variant that creates separate devices for each of the 3 sun direction sensors. This is a workaround for the dS limitation that multiple sensors of the same type in one device cannot be properly identified in the UI.
  • New: plug-and-play support for ELDAT buttons - when a RX10 is found plugged into USB at startup, ELDAT support is enabled.
  • Workaround: changing color of rocker switches sometimes did not work correctly due to a bug in the dSS configurator. Now the P44-DSB firmware contains a workaround for this problem until it can be fixed in the dSS.
  • Improved: scanning of devices, resilience after power cycles should be better.
  • Improved: now forces browsers to re-fetch Web-UI after restarts and updates, so no manual "reloads" should be needed any more. (testing)
released 2017-02-03
  • New: plug-and-play support for ELDAT buttons - when a RX10 is found plugged into USB at startup, ELDAT support is enabled.
  • Workaround: changing color of rocker switches sometimes did not work correctly due to a bug in the dSS configurator. Now the P44-DSB firmware contains a workaround for this problem until it can be fixed in the dSS. (testing)
released 2017-01-27
Second release candidate for 1.7 production firmware
  • Improved: behaviour after power down of the entire LAN, now waits for getting an IP address before trying to start advertising vdc or scanning for vdsms. (testing)
released 2016-12-14
  • New: external devices now can now receive indication of calls to special scenes like STOP, MIN, MAX, etc. (testing)
released 2016-11-22
  • New: external devices now support single devices (with actions, events, states and properties)
  • New: external devices now can have custom vendorname and OEM model GUID (latter required to match with dS database)
  • Improved: hue slider coloring in the Web-UI corrected, now shows exact color for the hue angle. (testing)
released 2016-11-18
  • Improved: another attempt to improve hue reliability (hue bridge seems to forget commands when more than one per 100mS is arriving).
    Please note that this delay is slightly visible (airfield light) when multiple hue lights are changed simultaneously.
  • New: hue vdc now supports pair/unpair bridge via vDC API (testing)
released 2016-11-06
  • New: EnOcean: added A5-09-02 (CO) and A5-09-04 (CO2) gas sensors
  • Improved: hue reliability for situation with poor light connections (by re-sending changes).
  • Bugfix: Evaluators: errors in parenthesized subexpressions were not reported.
  • Internal changes: differentiated device classes (primary colors) from groups (functions), all singledevices mechanisms now included. (testing)
released 2016-08-31
  • New: EnOcean: added A5-06-04/05 illumination sensors, A5-13-07 wind sensor
  • Internal changes: some internal structures have been adapted in preparation for upcoming single devices. Should not have side effects, but it is included here for extended verification that this statement is true... (testing)
released 2016-07-28
  • New: enocean buttons now have a profile variant to reverse up/down buttons
  • New: evaluators now can use the values of binary inputs (including the result value of other evaluators) in the on/off condition expressions.
  • New: evaluators now can be defined "hidden" to the digitalSTROM system. This can be useful for evaluators that are only used as inputs for other evaluators and are irrelevant on the dS system level.
  • New: EnOcean heating valve now has a profile variant to use heating valve's internal regulator. For some models (e.g. self-powered valves that need to minimize motor usage), the internal regulator might do a better job than the external regulator.
  • New: External device API now has preliminary(!) support for fan coil units by forwarding "TemperatureZone" and "TemperatureSetPoint" to the external device. (testing)
released 2016-07-14
  • New: configuration backup and restore via web-UI
  • New: Factory reset from the outside now possible: Put a textfile named "p44-reset.txt" onto an USB thumb drive, power down the P44-DSB-E, insert the USB drive, power up the P44-DSB-E. If successful, the file on the USB drive will be renamed to "p44-reset-DONE.txt"
  • Bugfix: SPI based devices on Raspberry Pi (e.g. PiFace) now also work with newer spi-bcm2835 driver - before, it worked with spi-bcm2708 only.
  • Improved: Web-UI now protected against CSRF (testing)
released 2016-07-06
  • New: configuration backup and restore via web-UI
  • New: Factory reset from the outside now possible: Put a textfile named "p44-reset.txt" onto an USB thumb drive, power down the P44-DSB-E, insert the USB drive, power up the P44-DSB-E. If successful, the file on the USB drive will be renamed to "p44-reset-DONE.txt"
  • Improved: Web-UI now protected against CSRF (testing)
released 2016-06-30
  • New: experimental support for myStrom WiFi switches. Need manual configuration using the IP address of the myStrom switch for now. In future versions, P44-DSB will use automatic discovery.
  • New: support for SPI peripherals (so far: MCP23S17 port extender as used on I/O shield for RaspberryPi).
  • New: support for MCP23017 (i2C version of MCP23S17).
  • Improvement: When the P44-DSB is given a new name, this now immediately gets visible in Avahi/Bonjour (no restart needed any more).
  • Improvement: when dSS goes down for a while (e.g. update), the auxiliary vdSM is not immediately started, but only after a timeout of seeing no master vdsm for more than 10 minutes.
  • Bugfix: WebUI did not work for creating devices with pin number 0
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea + some cherries (->b6edb9e)
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-06-24
  • New: experimental support for myStrom WiFi switches. Need manual configuration using the IP address of the myStrom switch for now. In future versions, P44-DSB will use automatic discovery.
  • New: support for SPI peripherals (so far: MCP23S17 port extender as used on I/O shield for RaspberryPi).
  • New: support for MCP23017 (i2C version of MCP23S17).
  • Improvement: When the P44-DSB is given a new name, this now immediately gets visible in Avahi/Bonjour (no restart needed any more).
  • Bugfix: WebUI did not work for creating devices with pin number 0
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea + some cherries (->b6edb9e)
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-05-18
  • Bugfix: in production feed dSS installations (no master vdsm), starting the auxiliary vdsm could fail when evaluators were defined.
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea + some cherries (->b6edb9e)
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-05-06
Testing feed version of production release
  • Only difference to is a minor change in serial port transmission handling code (not relevant for P44-DSB-E functionality)
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea + some cherries (->b6edb9e)
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-04-18
  • New: Support for new Impulse Scene (41) - default settings for scene 41 are now effect=4, dontcare=true, which means lights will blink, then return to previous state.
  • New: prepared migration of (backed up) config from a broken unit to a new one, while still keeping dSUIDs of devices with no stable hardware GUID (e.g. old DALI devices, evaluators).
  • Bugfix: on units with long device lists, adding an evaluator sometimes did not automatically open the evaluator condition editor.
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea + some cherries (->b6edb9e)
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-03-29
  • Improved: Web interface for evaluator devices now allows easy adding/deleting and renaming of sensor variables, without cryptic identifiers visible.
  • Bugfix: IGMP help did not fully work as intended (some packets not sent) 
  • Changed: button debouncing (for i2c and gpio buttons) increased from 5mS to 80mS
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea + some cherries (->b6edb9e)
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-03-11
  • Fixed important bug present in all 1.5.9.x: Network code had a socket leak, which could bring down a P44 box after a few days of operation.
  • New: Evaluator devices. These are virtual devices registering a binary input to the digitalSTROM system. The state of this binary signal is derived via mathematical/logical expressions from one or several sensors in the same P44 box.
  • New: added oemModelGuid property for devices to publish their OEM model id independently from oemGuid (important for devices that do have a GTIN, but no unique serial).
  • New: replaced buttom behaviour x-p44-simpleStateMachine by x-p44-stateMachineMode which allows selecting two alternate button behaviours: 0=standard, 1=like turbo button, 2=dimming only (no clicks and tips).
  • New: IGMP snooping help: to make discovery work in LANs with IGMP snooping switches, but no IGMP querier, P44-DSB issues some IGMP queries itself.
  • Improved: Adjusted Voxnet audio dimming speed such that single INC_S scene call does not change the volume by more than 1 step.
  • Bugfix: EnOcean Illumination sensors A5-06-xx had slightly wrong reading, corrected now.
  • Removed: RS485 weather station support (is now available as external device sample)
  • vdsm v4.8.1, git 86c53ea
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-02-11
  • Bugfix: Web-UI could get into a frozen state, where switching tabs (About/Device/System/Logs) would not work any more after opening a dialog, e.g. GPIO "create device". (Redmine Bug #12634)
  • Bugfix: Calling blink-only scene in rapid succession twice or more times sometimes did not restore the original output state correctly.
  • Bugfix: Fan Speed scaling was not correct for some A5-10-xx EnOcean Profiles.
  • BugFix: EnOcean A5-06-01..03 light sensors did not correctly report values sometimes.
  • vdsm v4.7, git c77f612
  • ds485-netlib v0.3.1, git 0a2e32b, libdsuid git 74540d9 (testing)
released 2016-02-03
  • New: Support for turbo button mode (also x-p44-simpleStateMachine)
  • New: Web-UI only shows vdsm version/dSUID/log when it is actually running, otherwise displays vdc host dSUID.
  • Changed: initially starts with no vdsm running, only if no master vdsm is detected after vdcd startup, local vdsm is started.
  • Changed: Internal EnOcean profile processing - should not change anything visible to the outside.
  • Experimental: GPIO blinds device.
  • vdsm v4.6.2, git 95838d6
  • ds485-netlib git cd82a82, libdsuid git 94fec3d (testing)
released 2016-01-20
  • New: EnOcean: added profiles A5-10-04, A5-10-05, A5-10-07, A5-10-08, A5-10-09, A5-10-0A, A5-10-0B, A5-10-0C, A5-10-0D, A5-10-10, A5-10-13, A5-10-14, A5-10-15, A5-10-16, A5-10-17, A5-10-22 and A5-10-23 (various room control panels).
  • New: new mechanism for customizing scenes and device default settings from CSV files (per dSUID, per device type, per behaviour type, per vdc).
  • New: support for local buttons (only used for external devices so far).
  • Changed: EnOcean window handle now has single tri-state (closed/open/tilted) input instead of two separate inputs.
  • Improved: added compatibility with upcoming (Feb 2016) hue bridge API change.  
  • Improved: Logging no longer shows Web-UI accesses in level 6 (only in level 7).
  • Improved: ExternalDevices now properly handle output mode, color lights correctly derive color mode.
  • Fixed: Presets 11-14, 21-24, 31-34 and 41-44 were falsely treated as area scenes (i.e. were only called when related area's main on scene did not have dontCare set).
  • Fixed: valve devices assigned to the climate control group no longer respond to any scene calls except for 29,30 and 31.
  • Fixed: in the Web-UI, sometimes color lamp channel dialog (sprocket button) did not open. Cause was that color model conversion calculations sometimes resulted in a NaN for some channels. Conversion routines are now adapted to prevent NaN output.
  • Fixed: buttons could load wrong config and get into direct scene mode (in only)
  • vdsm v4.6.2, git 6ff0334 (with 3-state window contact support)
  • ds485-netlib git 2546c86, libdsuid git 6873696 (testing)
released 2015-12-14
  • New: added profile variant for binary EnOcean valves (MD10-FTL style)
  • vdsm v4.6.2, git 37640c6 (with direct scene call support)
  • ds485-netlib git 097fa0a, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-11-26
  • New: added "heatingSystemCapability" property, simple cooling support.
  • vdsm v4.6.2, git 21a90b4
  • ds485-netlib git 097fa0a, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-11-18
  • Release candidate 8
  • New: Philips hue: now works with new sqare shaped hue bridge (which has Apple homekit support).
  • Improved: no longer using SSLv2 Clienthello
  • vdsm v4.6.2, git 21a90b4
  • ds485-netlib git 097fa0a, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-11-04
  • Release candidate 7
  • Improved: When switching EnOcean profile variants for a device, assigned name and zone will now be retained.
  • Improved: Logging device related messages unified, more legible formatting for multi-line log messages.
  • Bugfix: EnOcean valve output scaling was (always) wrong. Did not matter in a regulation setup, but corrected now.
  • vdsm v4.6.2, git 21a90b4
  • ds485-netlib git 097fa0a, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-10-27
  • Release candidate 6
  • New: vdcd now has a --vdsmnotaux option to make the box's vdsm always run, even if master vdsms are found in the same network (for testing only)
  • Bugfix: (unofficial) downloading config backup via /config_backup.tgz did download an empty file instead of actual .tgz.
  • Improved: External device API now supports multiple devices per socket connection, model name, icon and log messages.
  • vdsm v4.6.1, git 97c7fa5
  • ds485-netlib git d54386b, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-10-20
  • Release candidate 5
  • Bugfix: Area dimming could show hickups under certain timing conditions (slow vdsm, T1234_CONT calls coming in too late).
  • Bugfix: fixed bug in external devices API, two-way buttons did not work correctly (also see docs update!) - thanks to Mustafa for supplying patch.
  • vdsm v4.6.1, git 97c7fa5
  • ds485-netlib git d54386b, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-10-16
  • Release candidate 4
  • Bugfix: scenes with special functions (such as auto-off) were not always correctly loaded from persistent storage.
  • vdsm v4.6.1, git 97c7fa5
  • ds485-netlib git d54386b, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-10-12
  • New: Variant selectable for EnOcean profile A5-10-06 specifically for Eltako FTR55D to map set point as 0..40°C set temperature.
  • Experimental: improved external devices API, added support for shadow devices with end contacts
  • Experimental: better startup procedure for OLA, retries olad client connection now when first attempt fails.
  • vdsm v4.6.0, git 5b0e8a3 + MR27 (b275545)
  • ds485-netlib git d54386b, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-10-02
  • New: Support for EnOcean profile A5-10-01 room control panel (almost identical to already supported A5-10-02)
  • Experimental: improved support for external devices API for implementing devices as simple standalone programs/scripts connecting to vdcd via a socket connection.
  • Experimental: better startup procedure for OLA, retries olad client connection now when first attempt fails.
  • vdsm v4.6.0, git 6fa9557 + zoneID p44 patch v2
  • ds485-netlib git d54386b, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-09-24
  • New: EnOcean "single contact" profile D5-00-01 now has a variant with inverted input interpretation which can be used e.g. for window contacts.
  • Bugfix: zoneId in vdSDs now properly in sync with vdsm (important for future migration to master vdsm)
  • Bugfix: allow non-local vdsm connections when local (auxiliary) vdsm is not running due to master vdsm present in the network.
  • Experimental: external devices API for implementing devices as simple standalone programs/scripts connecting to vdcd via a socket connection.
  • vdsm v4.6.0, git 6fa9557 + zoneID p44 patch
  • ds485-netlib git d54386b, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-09-16
  • Main change in 1.5: Support for "master" vdsm (e.g. hosted on dSS). When a "master" vdSM is detected in the network, the on-platform vdSM will be shut down and vDC services published instead.
  • Changed from reverted Avahi description text back to match older versions, because current ds485p cannot handle new text in all cases.
  • Bugfix: Setting Web-UI passwords containing backslash characters did not work in some cases.
  • Bugfix: In static IP configuration, configured name servers were not always actually used
  • Bugfix: channel-level dontCare flags for color lights were not initialized correctly in all cases.
  • Bugfix: group assignments of EnOcean sensors should be correct now.
  • Bugfix: EnOcean A5-13-01 rain and daylight indicators were not correctly reported
  • Improved: Reboot button in Web-UI now asks for confirmation before rebooting.
  • New: custom name can now be assigned to the P44 box, which is then shown in avahi announcement and used for vdc names (as long as no vdc names are actually set).
  • New: Web-UI shows uptime (how long has the device been running without rebooting or power cycling) 
  • New: Safe device shutdown button added in Web-UI
  • Experimental: support for controlling EnOcean relays and switched lights.
  • Developer feature: option- or meta-clicking device info button in Web-UI opens a tab with the device's or vdc's full property tree.
  • Developer feature: invoking /config_backup.tgz from browser returns current SQLite DBs for analysis (or backup)
  • Improved: vdsm cluster message handling - could cause vdsm to crash in an endless loop in some cases in previous versions
  • vdsm v4.6.0, git e811337
  • ds485-netlib git d1aec12, libdsuid git 0da5b40 (testing)
released 2015-06-14
  • vdsm improved: vdsm now supports new outmodegeneric model feature and new outputmode_default to generically enable output. Better output mode mapping. Finally got new version number.
  • Experimental: Support for Elsner P03 weather station, connected via RS485 USB dongle. Needs manual configuration via web UI.
  • vdsm v4.4.2, git 5fd9f50
  • ds485-netlib git 47b8003, libdsuid git 877584f (testing)
released 2015-06-03
  • Bugfix: Learn from Web-UI did not work any more in some cases - fixed. 
  • Bugfix: Setting output mode to "inactive" now actually makes them inactive.
  • Bugfix: green light in configurator for vdcs was missing (vdsm bug, now fixed)
  • Improved: output mode settings now better represented in dSS configurator (new outmodegeneric model feature and new outputmode_default to generically enable output) 
  • Experimental: Support for WS2812 RGB LED chain connected to RPi output pin. Segments of the chain can be defined as dS color lamps with or without soft edge/blend.
  • Experimental: improved support for controlling EnOcean blinds via simulated button presses, now with separate position and blind angle control.
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git b3777c1 (first open source version)
  • ds485-netlib git e527715, libdsuid git 877584f (testing)
released 2015-05-19
  • New: Support for EnOcean A5-10-02 profile (e.g. used by Thermokon Thanos).
  • Bugfix: EnOcean profile A5-07-01 changed to be a "motion" sensor, not "presence" (because that's what it technically is).
  • Bugfix: fixed memory leak visible when using Web-UI to monitor sensor values for a long time.
  • Experimental: support for controlling EnOcean blinds via simulated button presses.
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git 1c76e88
  • ds485-netlib git 6a41231, libdsuid git 877584f (testing)
released 2015-04-22
  • New: Web-UI now can display sensors and inputs with live-updating values.
  • New: RSSI display in device info is now live updating.
  • New: Alternative profile selectable for EnOcean rocker switches to use them as 4 independent buttons rather than two 2-way up/down buttons.
  • New: Alternative profile selectable for EnOcean heating valves (A5-20-01), to enable built-in temperature sensor. Note that in normal dS Heating setup, the valve temperature sensor should not be enabled (default)
  • Bugfix: Web-UI sometimes got unresponsive for a while after cancelling a learn or identify operation. 
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git e9e94b5
  • ds485-netlib git 42d5b34 plus fix for pipe2 fallback (testing)
released 2015-04-20
  • New: Support for Eltako FKC/FKF type EnOcean key card switch.
  • Bugfix: Temperature in EnOcean profile A5-08-01 was wrong.
  • Bugfix: Liquid Leakage Detector profile could be set, but not reset back to another profile.
  • Bugfix: Fixed modelFeature for EnOcean heating valve, should no longer display output mode settings in dSS Configurator.
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git e9e94b5
  • ds485-netlib git 42d5b34 plus fix for pipe2 fallback (testing)
  • New: Support for EnOcean liquid leakage detector F6-05-01
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git e9e94b5
  • ds485-netlib git 42d5b34 plus fix for pipe2 fallback (testing)
  • New: Web-UI now has links directly to firmware release notes, device compatibility list and product page.
  • Bugfix: sensor type for generic binary inputs can now be configured in the dS Configurator (fix in vdsm)
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git a143c3c
  • ds485-netlib git d611e9d (testing)
  • Improved: Tuned system to mimimize writing to SD cards as much as possible to increase lifetime of SD cards.
  • New: In the Web-UI, vdcs now have a info button (like devices). For hue vdcs, there is now a button to manually trigger a scan for devices (at different levels). This can be helpful during installation debugging. 
  • vdsm v4.4.1, git 64725f2
  • ds485-netlib git d611e9d (testing)
  • New: Support for Eltako FRW/alphaEOS GUARD smoke detectors (initally appear as button, use web-UI to change profile to smoke detector)
  • New: shows RSSI and repeater count in Web-UI (device info)
  • Bugfix: scene MIN_S turns off light (did only set minimal dimming level before)
  • vdsm Bugfix: group color of EnOcean buttons no longer revert back to Joker after restart
  • vdsm v4.4.0, git 7c8f26c
  • ds485-netlib git 0493560 (testing)
  • New: Support for Eltako FRW/alphaEOS GUARD smoke detectors (initally appear as button, use web-UI to change profile to smoke detector)
  • New: shows RSSI and repeater count in Web-UI (device info)
  • Bugfix: scene MIN_S must turn off light (did set minimal dimming level)
  • vdsm, git 6707afd
  • ds485-netlib git 58fbfda (testing)
  • Fix for hue, prevent unneeded off-commands to the bridge
  • vdsm, git 6707afd
  • ds485-netlib git 58fbfda (testing)
  • First fix after dSS 1.9 release
  • vdsm, git 6707afd
  • ds485-netlib git 58fbfda (testing)
  • Release Candidate 4 for releasing along with dss 1.9
  • vdsm, git 7a39eeb + MR134
  • ds485-netlib git d08f6a1
  • When installing from or earlier, please note that hue lamps will get new dSUIDs with this update (but will keep the names)! (testing)
  • Release Candidate 3 for releasing along with dss 1.9
  • vdsm, git 43be819
  • ds485-netlib git d08f6a1
  • When installing from or earlier, please note that hue lamps will get new dSUIDs with this update (but will keep the names)! (testing)
  • Release Candidate 2 for releasing along with dss 1.9
  • fixed occasional disconnects of vdsm from vdcd
  • fixed factory reset ( did turn off DHCP instead of turning it on -> hard to recover)
  • vdsm, git f7eda0b
  • ds485-netlib git d08f6a1
  • When installing from or earlier, please note that hue lamps will get new dSUIDs with this update (but will keep the names)! (testing)
  • Bugfix:Default scene value for Panic and Fire for color lamps is now 100% cold white
  • vdsm, git bd6708b
  • ds485-netlib git 662adb5 (testing)
  • New vdsm version, hopefully fixing regression
  • EnOcean heating valves have lost their temperature sensor
  • vdsm, git 4f64983
  • ds485-netlib git 36e623a (includes MR37) (testing)
  • Prevents pushing values before device has been confirmed announced by vdsm, as early pushes seem to confuse vdsm and cause announcement sequence to get aborted.
  • loglevel 7 now dumps protobuf messages 
  • Heating valves now have the "valvetype" modelFeature
  • Support for A5-13-01/02 environmental sensor EnOcean profile
  • vdsm, git cd9f7f6
  • ds485-netlib git 36e623a (includes MR37) (testing)
  • Support for heating valve summer/winter and valve prophylaxis (via special scenes 29,30,31 in climate control group).
  • Heating valves now have a scene table.
  • Cleaned up and restructured EnOcean code: please report if something does not work any more as it did before.
  • removed special dsid-related properties from vDC API (no longer needed with dSUID)
  • vdsm, git e91759f + scene configuration fix rm/luz
  • ds485-netlib git 36e623a (includes MR37) (testing)
  • Support (Web-UI) for using alternative EnOcean profiles for RPS devices (for example "key card switch" can be used instead of "dual rocker switch")
  • vdsm, git e91759f + scene configuration fix rm/luz
  • ds485-netlib git c23cd6e + fix missing {
  • Web-UI for creating custom devices (console, GPIO, i2c), will be disabled for production builds
  • Support for ceating RGB color lamps out of 3 i2c PWM outputs (testing)
  • Fourth bugfix for production firmware
  • vdc now supports "modelUID" and "modelVersion" properties, has renamed former "modelGuid" to "hardwareModelGuid" and supports "modelFeatures".
  • vdsm, git 52605de
  • ds485-netlib git 5ff605a
  • Support for i2c PWM outputs with PCA9685 (testing)
  • Third bugfix for production firmware
  • Fixed bug in netlib which shut down virtual devices completely when dSS had an IP address with 14 or 15 character string length :-(
  • Display of dSUIDs in Web-UI is now aligned with how dSS configurator abbreviates dSUIDs (show beginning, truncate at end).
  • vdsm, git 864f08b
  • ds485-netlib git e9b4602 + fix by luz (testing)
  • First bugfix for production firmware
  • Devices no longer appear under wrong vdc
  • vdsm, git de1e1f7
  • ds485-netlib git 27b98da (testing)
  • First release candidate for production firmware (testing)
  • First Public Release for P44-DSB-E (on testing feed)
  • vdsm, git c71d577
  • ds485-netlib git 8a86628
  • For more information, please visit (testing)
  • Switched to dSUID system wide (DO NOT INSTALL UNLESS YOU HAVE A dSS with new 34 char hex dSUID!)
  • vDC API v2
  • i2c support (experimental)
  • many detail improvements (testing)
  • Second testing feed release for pilot series units of P44-DSB-E

Show production releases