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ModelQuantityPrice per unit


Digital Strom bridge v2 for DALI, EnOcean, hue

CHF 1098.00

list price (net)

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Estimated delivery time approx. 8 workdays


Digital Strom bridge DALI and hue

CHF 924.00

list price (net)

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Estimated delivery time approx. 5 workdays


DALI + EnOcean + hue standalone light controller

Can be upgraded to P44-DSB-DEH2 to integrate with Digital Strom.

CHF 842.00

list price (net)

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Estimated delivery time approx. 5 workdays


Digital Strom compatibility upgrade: from P44-LC-DE to P44-DSB-DEH2 (Firmware upgrade for existing hardware device)

Please provide the serial number of the P44-LC-DE to be upgraded in the order comments.

CHF 256.00

list price (net)

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Estimated delivery time approx. 2 workdays


Digital Strom bridge v2 for EnOcean, hue

CHF 456.00

list price (net)

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Estimated delivery time approx. 5 workdays


PPoE kit (passive power over Ethernet) for powering P44-DSB-DEH2/-E2 and P44-LC-DE via ethernet cable

CHF 44.00


Estimated delivery time approx. 5 workdays


LED Torch kit - with Digital Strom bridge (and Matter integration in beta)

assembled, incl. Plexiglass tube (recycled from underwater lamps for Zurich water supply reservoirs) and handmade spruce wood base. Special Edition produced for the Gleis70 "Kaufhaus" Event

CHF 168.00

Special Price (net)

Estimated delivery time approx. 3 workdays


LED "Torch" kit - with standalone light controller (and Matter integration in beta)

assembled, incl. Plexiglass tube (recycled from underwater lamps for Zurich water supply reservoirs) and handmade spruce wood base. Special Edition produced for the Gleis70 "Kaufhaus" Event

CHF 168.00

Special Price (net)

Estimated delivery time approx. 3 workdays

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